在有限元模型上加NCTs 后求解不出来了,求教,谢谢!!!
在一块有限元板上加NCTs后再求解就会出现这样的问题:Warning: bonded foam detected on the face "Flat Plate-FE Face 1"The current formulation is not designed to work with unbonded NCTs (results may be inaccurate).Please insert a small air gap in the treatment layup.
The trimmed ("Copy of 2-layer treatment") Hybrid Area Junction dynamic stiffness matrix is poorly conditioned. Condition number=5.458e-031
Error:A trimmed Hybrid Area Junction dynamic stiffness matrix is singular and cannot be inverted.求教高手啊,谢谢!!!
用VAONE的真的很少,对于普通的一般噪声问题,都能用波动法精确求解的,还是建议用VL。 回复 2 # superxjw 的帖子
楼主应该是在求解高频吧! 回复 3 # 453697017 的帖子
搞不懂他的。他应该把具体问题贴上啦,大家一起讨论一下的。 是在用FE-SEA的方法求一块板的传递损失,先由SEA板创建成FE板,又加的噪声控制处理,不加时可以求解,加了NCTs就不能求解出来了,就会出现这样的问题: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/894637264/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/%7D%60AKE6VW3YM($F)4CHIC0A2.jpg
问题是:Error:A trimmed Hybrid Area Junction dynamic stiffness matrix is singular and cannot be inverted. 求教高手指点啊,谢谢!!! FE-SEA,有限元和统计能量法相结合的用!这是一个很好的方向!但是我觉得是不很成熟!我没用过!