1.CFDLIBCFDLib05 is the Los AlamosComputational Fluid Dynamics LIBrary. This is a collection of hydrocodes usinga common data structure and a common numerical method, for problems rangingfrom single-field, incompressible flow, to multi-species, multi-field,compressible flow. The data structure is multi-block, with a so-calledstructured grid in each block. The numerical method is a Finite-Volume schemeemploying a state vector that is fully cell-centered. This means that theintegral form of the conversation laws is solved on the physical domain that isrepresented by a mesh of control volumes. The typical control volume is anarbitrary quadrilateral in 2D and an arbitrary hexahedron in 3D. The Finite-Volumescheme is for time-unsteady flow and remains well coupled by means of time andspace centered fluxes; if a steady state solution is required, the problem isintegrated forward in time until the user is satisfied that the state isstationary.UNUSUAL FEATURESHandles either compressible orincompressible flow equations. The system allows the user to stipulate 2D or 3Das needed for the codes of interest. This version includes the possibility ofauto-tasking in the SGI clusters, a new improved timstp routine and a newturbulence model. Many users have grid generators capable of output in the NASAPlot3d format. CFDLIB05 contains a translator for converting the Plot3d datainto a form readable by CFDLIB05, and which generates some of the CFDLIB05 inputdata as well (see the directory/evtran in the library). For post-processingmany users employ TecPlot, so the option exists to write a TecPLot-Formattedoutput file.http://www.oecd-nea.org/tools/abstract/detail/ests06632. TransATcodeASCOMP GmbH software packageTransAT (Transport phenomena Analysis Tool) can simulate a wide range of singleand multi-fluid/component flows with heat transfer. TransAT is particularlydedicated to predicting fluid-fluid and fluid-solid multiphase flows (CMFD),featuring large density and viscosity ratios. Typical applications range fromsurface-tension dominated flows (microfluidics) to large-scale turbulent flows.Specific featuresRapid gridding of complex geometryDirect CAD import using STL filesMoving bodies, fluid-structureinteractionIts specific predictivecapability and strength are is to transcend simple averaged modelling towardsLarge Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows and Interface tracking of practicalmultiphase flows.The CMFD code TransAT© developedat ASCOMP GmbH is a multi-physics, finite-volume code based on solving singleand multi-fluid Navier-Stokes equations. The code uses structured, multi-blockmeshes. MPI parallel based algorithm is used in connection with multi-blocking.The grid arrangement is collocated and can thus handle more easily curvilinearskewed grids. The solver is pressure based (Projection Type), correctedfor low-Mach number compressible flows.High-order time marching and convection schemes can be employed; up to thirdorder Monotone schemes in space.Multiphase flows are tackledusing interface tracking techniques for both laminar and turbulent flows, wherethe flow is supposed to evolve as one fluid having variable materialproperties, which vary according to the colour function. Specifically, both theLevel-Set and the Volume-of-Fluid methods can be employed. Static or dynamicangle treatment is possible. Turbulent multiphase flows can be tackled withinboth the RANS and LES frameworks, with specific near interface treatments.转自:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-267817-766191.html