yxs9912 发表于 2006-5-25 17:11


<P>&gt;&gt; figure,imhist(i);<BR>??? Error using ==&gt; e:/matlab/toolbox/images/images/private/checkinput (check_attributes)<BR>Function IMHIST expected its first input argument, I or X,<BR>to be two-dimensional.</P>
<P>Error in ==&gt; E:\matlab\toolbox\images\images\private\checkinput.m<BR>On line 37==&gt; check_attributes(A, attributes, function_name, variable_name, ...</P>
<P>Error in ==&gt; E:\matlab\toolbox\images\images\imhist.m (parse_inputs)<BR>On line 173==&gt; checkinput(a, 'double uint8 logical uint16', '2d', mfilename, 'I or X', 1);</P>
<P>Error in ==&gt; E:\matlab\toolbox\images\images\imhist.m<BR>On line 49==&gt; = parse_inputs(varargin{:});<BR>输入上述命令后,出现错误,我看不懂,不知道为什么不能用,是不是我的MATLAB程序缺失?<BR>edge()函数同样出现类似错误无法使用,<BR>请教各位朋友!</P>

duzhijun1983 发表于 2007-11-1 17:40

Solution:This is the expected behavior of IMHIST. According to the documentation, IMHIST was never meant to accept RGB images. However, in versions of the Image Processing Toolbox prior to 3.2 (R13), IMHIST would follow through execution without erroring out. The results would most likely not be the desired results. IMHIST R13 now errors out so that you won't receive erroneous results.

In order to fix the problem, you will need to read the documentation on IMHIST and understand the image types that it supports. You will basically need to convert your RGB image into a grayscale or indexed image.

For a simple example, you can use the following code as a guide:

% Read in RGB image
rgb = imread('flowers.tif');

% Convert RGB to grayscale
gray = rgb2gray(rgb);

% Now call IMHIST
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查看完整版本: 菜鸟请教问题:imhist(),edge()等函数不能用