miniducky 发表于 2006-9-14 10:21


% CRTRP.M      (CReaTe an initial (Real-value) Population)
% This function creates a population of given size of random real-values.
% Syntax:       Chrom = crtrp(Nind,FieldDR);
% Input parameters:
%    Nind      - A scalar containing the number of individuals in the new
%                population.
%    FieldDR   - A matrix of size 2 by number of variables describing the
%                boundaries of each variable. It has the following structure:
%                [lower_bound;   (vector with lower bound for each veriable)
%               upper_bound]   (vector with upper bound for each veriable)
%                [lower_bound_var_1lower_bound_var_2 ... lower_bound_var_Nvar;
%               upper_bound_var_1upper_bound_var_2 ... upper_bound_var_Nvar]
%                example - each individuals consists of 4 variables:
%                FieldDR = [-100 -50 -30 -20;   % lower bound
%                            100503020]   % upper bound
% Output parameter:
%    Chrom   - A matrix containing the random valued individuals of the
%                new population of size Nind by number of variables.

% Author:   Hartmut Pohlheim
% History:    23.11.93   file created
%             25.02.94   clean up, check parameter consistency

function Chrom = crtrp(Nind,FieldDR);

% Check parameter consistency
   if nargin < 2, error('parameter FieldDR missing'); end
   if nargin > 2, nargin = 2; end

    = size(Nind);
    = size(FieldDR);

   if (mN ~= 1 & nN ~= 1), error('Nind has to be a scalar'); end
   if mF ~= 2, error('FieldDR must be a matrix with 2 rows'); end

% Compute Matrix with Range of variables and Matrix with Lower value
   Range = rep((FieldDR(2,:)-FieldDR(1,:)),);
   Lower = rep(FieldDR(1,:), );

% Create initial population
% Each row contains one individual, the values of each variable uniformly
% distributed between lower and upper bound (given by FieldDR)
   Chrom = rand(Nind,Nvar) .* Range + Lower;

% End of function
在运行时一直出现这样的错误提示:(提示在“ if nargin < 2, error('parameter FieldDR missing'); end
"nargin" previously appeared to be used as a function or command, conflicting with its use here as the name of a variable.
A possible cause of this error is that you forgot to initialize the
variable, or you have initialized it implicitly using load or eval.
% CRTRP.M      (CReaTe an initial (Real-value) Population)
% This function creates a population of given size of random real-values.
% Syntax:       Chrom = crtrp(Nind,FieldDR);
% Input parameters:
%    Nind      - A scalar containing the number of individuals in the new
%                population.
%    FieldDR   - A matrix of size 2 by number of variables describing the
%                boundaries of each variable. It has the following structure:
%                [lower_bound;   (vector with lower bound for each veriable)
%               upper_bound]   (vector with upper bound for each veriable)
%                [lower_bound_var_1lower_bound_var_2 ... lower_bound_var_Nvar;
%               upper_bound_var_1upper_bound_var_2 ... upper_bound_var_Nvar]
%                example - each individuals consists of 4 variables:
%                FieldDR = [-100 -50 -30 -20;   % lower bound
%                            100503020]   % upper bound
% Output parameter:
%    Chrom   - A matrix containing the random valued individuals of the
%                new population of size Nind by number of variables.

% Author:   Hartmut Pohlheim
% History:    23.11.93   file created
%             25.02.94   clean up, check parameter consistency

function Chrom = crtrp(Nind,FieldDR);

% Check parameter consistency
    = size(Nind);
    = size(FieldDR);
   if (nN+Nvar) < 2, error('parameter FieldDR missing'); end
   if (nN+Nvar) >= 2, end
   if (mN ~= 1 & nN ~= 1), error('Nind has to be a scalar'); end
   if mF ~= 2, error('FieldDR must be a matrix with 2 rows'); end

% Compute Matrix with Range of variables and Matrix with Lower value
   Range = rep((FieldDR(2,:)-FieldDR(1,:)),);
   Lower = rep(FieldDR(1,:), );

% Create initial population
% Each row contains one individual, the values of each variable uniformly
% distributed between lower and upper bound (given by FieldDR)
   Chrom = rand(Nind,Nvar) .* Range + Lower;

% End of function

happy 发表于 2006-9-14 17:23


vividew 发表于 2006-10-14 15:29

% Check parameter consistency
   if nargin < 2, error('parameter FieldDR missing'); end
   if nargin > 2, nargin = 2; end



aerocraftwk 发表于 2006-10-14 20:26

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