关于“MCR instance is not available”的问题。
关于“MCR instance is not available”的问题。基于COM组件技术,使用VC和MATLAB混合编程的应用软件,当在另外一台机子上发布时,怎样脱离MATLAB的运行环境?
我查相关的资料说由于matlab7.X系列的缺陷,与matlab混合编程的应用程序不能脱离matlab环境,所以我就在目标计算机上装了matlab,但是发现,即使装了matlab后,并对组件进行注册,运行时仍然提示:“MCR is not available”。
请高手指教,这是怎么回事,有什么办法解决。 Subject:
Why do I receive an "MCRInstance not available" error when deploying an application built with MATLAB Compiler 4.0 (R14)?
Problem Description:
I am trying to run a stand-alone application that was generated with the MATLAB Compiler. However, I receive the following error message when I call the program:
MCRInstance not available
This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This error may occur if the executable file cannot find either the required MATLAB run-time libraries or the CTF archive for your application.
First, check your system path to verify that the MATLAB run-time libraries can be found. If you are testing your application on a development Windows machine, confirm that $MATLAB\bin\win32, where $MATLAB is your root MATLAB directory, appears on your system path and ahead of any other MATLAB installations.
If you are working on a target Windows machine, verify that $MCR_ROOT\runtime\win32, where $MCR_ROOT is your root MATLAB Component Runtime directory, appears on your system path.
For help viewing or modifying the system path, see:
Next, verify that the .ctf archive file that the MATLAB Compiler generated in the build process resides in the same directory as your program's executable file. 您说的个资料我也看过,但是还是解决不了问题,难道就只能等mathworks公司改进产品以后才能用吗?
你们遇到这样的问题是怎么解决的,请高手耐心讲一下吧,小弟愁坏了!!! 原帖由 yinyinboy 于 2006-10-19 19:13 发表
要嘛就是根据下面的提示进行设置或者修改,mathworks给出来的方案应该是有效的 首先应该分别使用mwregsvr和regsvr32注册你的COM组件DLL。
然后把你的组件的CTF文件放到你编写的可执行程序目录下 ,这很重要,否则就会出现MCR instance is not available。 xl_43400说的对啊
我用7.0就可以啊 没有出现这个问题啊