我使用simpowersystems里的mosfet和二极管元件搭建了开关磁阻电机功率变换器的主电路模型,然后加上电机的绕组模型进行仿真,绕组模型中通过Voltage Measurement和Controlled Current Source实现与功率变换器模块的连接。出现的问题是:我的电机的绕组模型因为必须要查表求得电机磁链和电流的关系,所以必须采用定步长进行仿真,在未与功率变换器模块连接前,可以实现定步长仿真,但是与功率变换器模块连接起来一块进行仿真时,采用定步长仿真会出现下面错误:Trouble solving algebraic loop containing block 'convert0/Subsystem/Voltage Measurement/source/State-Space' at time 5e-007.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If the model is correct, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances)
谢谢阿! 错误信息中不是说了吗,存在代数环,所以不行,可能不是时间步长的问题 谢谢!因为刚开始做仿真,很多地方不懂,需要高手帮忙。我查了有关代数环的问题以及解决的方法,在提示存在代数环的路径上,即Voltage Measurement输出后面加入了一个memory模块,然后出现的错误信息是这样的:
State 1 of block 'convert/Voltage Measurement/source/mosfet/model/Integrator1' computed at time 0.0003 with step size 1e-005 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances)
不知道这个提示是在说明什么问题? 另外,我单独将开关器件,如mosfet等,与电源相连,串上负载电阻组成一个简单的开关电路,可以实现固定步长仿真;单独将Voltage Measurement与电源和负载相连,也可以实现固定步长仿真;但是,将mosfet和Voltage Measurement一块连接到电路中,却不可以实现固定步长仿真,错误提示是:
State 1 of block 'convert1/Voltage Measurement/source/mosfet/model/Integrator1' computed at time 0.0004900000000000001 with step size 1e-005 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances)