sushi 发表于 2007-3-30 22:06

Lotus car 选择m+p smartoffice 通过噪声测试方案

Lotus car 选择m+p smartoffice 通过噪声测试方案
Unique to our SmartOffice based vehicle Pass-by-Noise measurement system are the GPS components for both velocity and speed information. This is what allows us to reduce our system down to two PC based measurement units without the need for radar, light beams, track position sensors and of course all the set-up time involved with all those components. However, our own personal SatNav experience and technical intuition regarding how GPS works often prompts the question "GPS can't be that accurate ... can it?" - well it's not obvious but m+p engineers have developed a system that really does provide accuracy and repeatability that is measured in a few millimetres and hence have created a world-beating solution for this application.

The vehicle noise, engine RPM and other measurements are performed by two SmartOffice based portable analysers. One is based at a fixed point on the vehicle test track and the other inside the vehicle being tested. The driver can operate both systems automatically from his in-vehicle PC to control his measurement runs and do on-line analysis. Final reports are also created from the powerful SmartOffice report generator.


1980m+p国际公司成立于汉诺威,主要由汉诺威大学力学系的Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. O. Mahrenholtz 、 Dr.-Ing. B. Grabowski and Dr.-Ing. W. Klie组成。公司成立之初的业务主要集中在结构动力学和应用力学的工程咨询项目。 在随后的数年中公司业务逐渐转向测试和计算分析业务。
1986 研发生产了第一套基于HP 1000 工作站的振动控制系统。
1989 研发生产了第一套基于UNIX 系统(HP 9000 工作站 )的振动控制系统 .
1992 m+p 德国与m+p 美国扩大振动控制和数据采集系统在全球的业务。
1996成功研发生产了数据监控和过程控制系统,该系统主要用于过程自动化控制,目前安装运行在 Aluminium Norf, 世界上最大的铝业集团。
1997 第一套基于PC系统的振动控制系统问世m+pVibcontrol是全球第一套基于Window NT环境的振动控制系统。
1998 The ACON vehicle canister preconditioning under Windows NTTM was launched.
1999 m+p 英国公司成立,以更好的支持全球技术业务发展。
2001 收购M&M Corporation, Leuven, Belgium.的振动噪声测试及分析平台smartoffice软件。 Smartoffice软件是振动噪声测试和分析优秀的工程平台,它包含的模块有常规振动噪声数据采集和分析,模态分析,声学测试模块,旋转机械分析模块,通过噪声分析模块,Data Reduction系统。m+p与全球众多高校有着紧密的合作,如全球首屈一指的结构动力学研究机构-美国cincinnati大学结构动力学试验室全面采用smartoffice系统,并将其最新的研究成果体现在smartoffice系统中,m+p在比利时leuven和英国设有smartoffice的研发部门。
2003 m+p法国公司成立,以更好的支持西部欧洲的客户(法国、西班牙、葡萄牙、比利时).

chuxuezhe 发表于 2007-4-1 13:35


huaijun 发表于 2007-4-2 09:20

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