david_liugc 发表于 2007-4-24 22:57


提示老给我提示 初始化失败
ERROR: Tg-Mesh-Domain failed with error code 1
ERROR: Tetrahedral Meshing has failed volume2(就是我要画的那个体积)。this is usually cause by problem in the face mesh, check the shewnesses of your face meshes and make sure the face mesh saizes are not too large in area of small gaps.

我还在想 是不是因为是因为体积有个面不封闭了才不行的 我还试了个翼型被流场完全涵括的例子,还是不行
先谢谢了 因为要的有点急

lidi721 发表于 2007-4-25 08:06


wangxyln 发表于 2007-4-25 12:32


david_liugc 发表于 2007-4-25 16:54

机翼尾部是比较尖 现在问题又来了,能画体网格了,可惜不是我希望的那种,体空间的网格就好像和翼型没有关系一样,是不是要翼型的两个面都要与长方体的面有连接才行啊?

dreamfans 发表于 2007-4-28 09:36


hyacinth 发表于 2007-4-28 15:39

原帖由 david_liugc 于 2007-4-24 22:57 发表 http://forum.vibunion.com/forum/images/common/back.gif
ERROR: Tg-Mesh-Domain failed with error code 1

This error tells you that, Gambit is not able togenerate volume mesh in the domain as it is not able to generate tetcells in certain part of the domain. This means that with the giveninputs (for volume meshing) the tet mesh algorithm fails to generatethe volume mesh. The reason for this can be anything from thefollowing:-

1. High Skewness of the surface mesh:- This can be checked bychecking surface mesh quality. Then correct the region where the highlyskewed elements are present.

2. Inappropriate volume mesh size specification:- Some times byreducing the volume mesh size specification, we are able to avoid theerror.

3. Coarse mesh near the small gap:- If the gap between the two faces isvery small and the surface mesh on these two faces is course ascompared to the gap, GAMBIT is not able to create elements in this gap.

4. If surface mesh contains quad elements and one is trying to generatetet mesh in the domain, many times, GAMBITs tet meshing algorithm failsto generate a pyramid cell near the surface, sue to the size variationproblem. This can be rectified by changing some default values inEdit-->Defaults panel:- The values to change are:- Go to MESH-->TETMESH and change the value for the field PYRAMID_OFFSET_DISTANCE tosome value (say :- 0.8 or 0.5 or any other value which helps)

Please let us know if this resolve your problem.


david_liugc 发表于 2007-5-4 02:01


lighting0324 发表于 2008-12-8 15:39

回复 7楼 david_liugc 的帖子


cxzhmg 发表于 2009-2-1 20:26


w.lin 发表于 2009-2-3 23:01


haobaobaos 发表于 2009-2-21 16:01

:handshake :handshake 先画一下线网格一步步的往下走就行
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