回复 #12 appleseed05 的帖子
同意 对不起不能上传这类文件格式:@( .郁闷了[ 本帖最后由 eight 于 2007-7-12 13:39 编辑 ] 原帖由 wy558558558 于 2007-7-12 13:25 发表 http://www.chinavib.com/forum/images/common/back.gif
对不起不能上传这类文件格式:@( .郁闷了
修改后缀名后再上传 我把它改为txt的了.你们看看一堆乱码.希望哪位高手能给解决谢谢!
回复 #2 appleseed05 的帖子
辛苦你了,谁如果能弄出来联系我有重谢:handshake 呵呵,既然解决了,有空发上来看看吧,大家都知道一下 没解决给她个辛苦费:@L 是主要用于振动噪声的数据采集卡写的专用文件格式。具体介绍如下:B&K 2133 Software
DRDC Toronto has, for years, had a Macintosh based software program which
allows the extraction of data directly from files generated by the B&K 2133 signal
analyzer. This software has always been of great benefit to the users for a
number of reasons:
• it eliminates the possibility for errors in transcribing the readings
• it greatly speeds up the process of graphing the output of the analyzer.
This program has become difficult to maintain since fewer and fewer Macintosh
computers are being used at DRDC. For this reason, a conversion of the
program to the PC was undertaken. This solution will give the users the above
two benefits. In addition, the software package will be more maintainable since
the PC appears to be the computer of choice at DRDC Toronto.
[ 本帖最后由 eight 于 2008-5-12 16:30 编辑 ]