hxcluck 发表于 2005-12-8 16:47


??? Error using ==> sym.maple
Error, (in type/array) integer too large in context
Error in ==> sym.mtimes at 28
X = maple(A,'&*',B);....
[此贴子已经被suffer于2005-12-8 20:49:37编辑过]

[ 本帖最后由 eight 于 2007-1-25 12:24 编辑 ]

suffer 发表于 2005-12-8 20:52


<P>Why do I receive the error message "Error, integer too large in context" while using the Symbolic Math Toolbox? </P>
<H3>Problem Description:</H3>
<P><!--prob_desc_begin-->The following example produces an error:<br><br><CODE>I=sqrt(-1);<br>j=0;<br>for E=1000:0.01:1100,<br>j=j+1;<br>f(j)=zeta(0.5+I*E);<br>end<br></CODE><br>The error message I receive is:<br><br><SAMP>??? Error using ==&gt; maple<br>Error, integer too large in context<br><br>Error in ==&gt; C:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\symbolic\digits.m<br>On line 18 ==&gt; r = eval(maple('Digits;'));<br><br>Error in ==&gt; C:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\symbolic\@sym\double.m<br>On line 16 ==&gt; d = digits;<br><br>Error in ==&gt; C:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\symbolic\zeta.m<br>On line 10 ==&gt; Z = double(zeta(sym(n)));<br><br>Error in ==&gt; C:\MATLAB6p5\work\sven_aberg\test.m<br>On line 9 ==&gt; f(j)=zeta(0.5+i*E); <br></SAMP></P>

<TD width=550>
<P>Our development staff has been notified and is currently looking into addressing this problem in a future release of the Symbolic Math Toolbox. <br><br>This may be a problem with the way memory management is performed by Maple. At present, the only potential workaround is to wrap your call to a symbolic calculation that operates on numbers with large numbers of digits inside a TRY/CATCH block and clear the Maple function using the following commands:<br><br>For Symbolic Math 2.1.3 (R13) and earlier:<br><CODE>maple clear<br><br>% or<br><br>maple restart<br></CODE><br>For Symbolic Math 3.0 (R13+) and later:<br><CODE>clear maplemex<br></CODE></P></DIV></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-8 20:53:52编辑过]

hxcluck 发表于 2005-12-9 17:37



qiuqia17 发表于 2006-6-12 08:53


或许存在 发表于 2012-5-14 15:16

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查看完整版本: [求助]含有符号函数数值积分问题