从水中减去一个体!布尔运算总是出现问题将 BTOL调到 8E-1时,出现:
*** ERROR *** CP = 86.984 TIME= 09:53:29
Current ANSYS geometry failed to support boolean operations.See list
error window for details.Non-standard BTOL of 8.000000e-001 was used
internally - try changing BTOL to default or new value.
将 BTOL调到 7.5E-1,出现:
*** ERROR *** CP = 88.031 TIME= 09:54:15
Boolean operation failed.Try adjusting the tolerance value on the
BTOL command to some fraction of the minimum keypoint distance.Model
Size (current problem) 4.593474e+001, current BTOL setting
7.500000e-001, minimum KPT distance 1.799460e-001.
求高人救命啊!! 是不是容差太大了,选择的时候符合条件的对象有很多,所以程序太迷茫反而无所适从,继续调小容差,让程序专一一点,试试看或许可以, 我现在遇到了同样的问题,请问lz,是怎么解决的? 多谢了