sychen 发表于 2008-2-18 23:34




·(2007/01/25) (1/2) 结构非线性分析专辑(1): 滑脱(Snap-Throug),卡进(Snap-Fit, Snap-In)及拔松(Pulling-Out)观念介绍
·(2007/01/25) (2/2) 结构非线性分析专辑(2): 破裂(Rupture)观念介绍   
·(2007/02/27) 结构非线性分析专辑(3): 滑脱现象(Snap-Throug Phenomena)之简介与分析之参数设定
·(2007/05/27) 结构非线性分析专辑(4): 破裂(Ruptur)之简介与分析之参数设定
·(2007/07/25) 流固耦合FSI专辑(1): 避震器流固耦合FSI分析
·(2007/08/31) 自由六面体网格建立(动画)
1.        Import CAD model (gif)
2.        Define material model (gif)
3.        Define element group (gif)
4.        Define overall mesh density (gif)
5.        Test and simulate the free hex meshing (gif)
6.        Peform the free hex meshing (gif)
7.        Delete the mesh, if you don't like it (gif)
8.        Define local mesh density (gif)
9.        Test and simulate the free hex meshing again (gif)
10.        Peform the free hex meshing again (gif)
11.        Save database (gif)
12.        Display and check geometry (gif)
13.        Display and check mesh (gif)
14.        Display and check with zone (gif)
·(2007/10/02) 用NASTRAN网格输入作FSI分析
·(2007/11/13) 非线性拟动态分析(Low Speed Dynamics)简介
·(2008/01/08) 线性静态应力分析求解及基本后处理(动画)
1.        Setting up solution control (gif)
2.        Applying Boundary Conditions (gif)
3.        Applying Loading (gif)
4.        Solve the model (gif)
5.        Load the result database (.por) and plot a quick equivalent stress band (gif)
6.        Define ZONE on local area and plot the stress band on it (gif)
7.        Change the stress component/item to plot, and clear the band (gif)
8.        Save the post-processing database (.pdb) (gif)

portis 发表于 2009-2-12 18:33

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查看完整版本: ADINA线上动画教学