如题:两个2X2的矩阵做kronecker乘,matlab中有没有直接的命令?没有怎么实现?谢谢!回复 楼主 的帖子
kronecker乘是指什么Kronecker product
Kronecker product回复 3楼 的帖子
很抱歉,发现在matlab7.0以上的版本都有kron这个函数,就是实现这个功能的。我实验室的装的是matlab6.5,所以昨天没有找到。 matlab6.5也有的,呵呵。使用这个函数时,要留意参数次序。
help kron
KRON Kronecker tensor product.
KRON(X,Y) is the Kronecker tensor product of X and Y.
The result is a large matrix formed by taking all possible
products between the elements of X and those of Y. For
example, if X is 2 by 3, then KRON(X,Y) is
[ X(1,1)*YX(1,2)*YX(1,3)*Y
X(2,1)*YX(2,2)*YX(2,3)*Y ]
If either X or Y is sparse, only nonzero elements are multiplied
in the computation, and the result is sparse.