群里有去参加10月上海的声学会议的吗?问问,可能见面的,呵呵! 呵呵,我会去的,请问你是哪个单位的,哪个方向2008INTER-NOISE WELCOME YOU! 谁给点详细的介绍,主题?主办方?目的?我也想参加。 抓紧时间哦,好像这个会议文章是算数的,呵呵。不过,我是没有时间参加拉。 很专业,很学术的样子,呵呵。 >>很专业,很学术的样子
[ 本帖最后由 minetree 于 2008-7-23 19:39 编辑 ] 论文算EI收录吗,没有听说呀 估计去不了,档次不够呵呵
回复 3楼 的帖子
http://www.aschina.org/index.asp回复 3楼 的帖子
2008年全国声学学术会议将于10月20-25日在上海市召开,本次会议的主题为《创新与和谐——新世纪的声学》。 I would like to make some correction with the information offered abovestairs,that the conference is dated on 26-29 October 2008.There are some essential information on this conference:
NTER-NOISE 2008, the 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, will be held in Shanghai, China on 26-29 October 2008. The Congress is sponsored by the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE), co-organized by the Acoustical Society of China (ASC) and the Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS). The organizers warmly invite and welcome all the prospective participants around the world coming to join us in Shanghai and to communicate in the up-to-date advancements in noise and vibration control engineering. The theme of the Congress is “From Silence to Harmony”, technical papers around that theme will be accepted with special acknowledgement, the papers in all fields of noise and vibration will also be welcome.
The official information platform is below:
回复 2楼 的帖子
我是大连理工大学的船舶学院的学生,船舶降噪方向的 好像EI不收录这个会议的文章吧 这个会议主要是交流学术论文吗?另外谁知道这些会议资料(论文集?)都能在那里搞到?购买?还是学校图书馆会有?谢谢
回复 14楼 的帖子