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SAMPLESample/unsample linear systems
= SAMPLE(A,B,C,D,K,T,InterSample,Mode)
A,B,C,D,K are the matrices of the system to be sampled/unsampled.
T is the sampling interval.
InterSample is 'zoh' or 'foh'
Mode = 1 (default) means sampling and Mode = 0 means unsample.
As,Bs,Cs,Ds,Ks are the resulting system matrices.
Ls is the adjustment of the covariance matrix in case of 'foh'
sampling, so that the covariance of the new innovations is
Ls*Lambda*Ls' where Lambda is the T-adjusted covariance of the
noise of the original system.
用数据试了试,不会用,能否帮帮忙,详细解释一下。 就是对于ABCDKT确定的系统进行采样吧。没用过,而且对这个领域不熟,如果你是做这个课题的还是自己好好看看帮助吧。 好的,我再仔细看看。
谢谢sogooda关注,祝你中秋节快乐! edit sample