[求助] 怎样画一个柱面?
请教:已知一个隐函数F(x, y )=0,要画它在三维空间的柱面,怎么画啊?<BR><BR> 谢谢大家指教!! f=inline('x^2+y^2-1');<BR>fvector=vectorize(f);<BR>x=linspace(-1,1);<BR>y=x;<BR>z=x;<BR>=meshgrid(x,y,z);<BR>fvalues=feval(fvector,xm,ym);<BR>isosurface(xm,ym,zm,fvalues,0);<BR>我记得好像有个画柱面的函数,忘记了,你自己google一下吧 <P>谢谢yqchenlolo, 有个画旋转曲面的命令cylinder,<BR>isosurface(xm,ym,zm,fvalues,0) 中,最后一个零表示什么?<BR>看了帮助文件没看明白。<BR><BR></P>回复:(roll66)[求助] 怎样画一个柱面?
In a contour plot, the contour value determines where you're "slicing" your<BR>surface -- if your contour value is 2 then you're taking a look at the set<BR>of x and y values where f(x, y) = 2 . An isosurface is<BR>just a contour plot but with one higher dimension, and the isovalue is the<BR>contour value for the isosurface. So if your isovalue is 3, and the<BR>hypersurface for which you're computing the isosurface is v = f(x, y, z),<BR>the isosurface is the set of x, y, and z values for which f(x, y, z) = 3.<BR>回复:(roll66)谢谢yqchenlolo, 有个画旋转曲面的命...
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>roll66</I>在2006-3-13 18:23:47的发言:</B><BR><P>谢谢yqchenlolo, 有个画旋转曲面的命令cylinder,<BR>isosurface(xm,ym,zm,fvalues,0) 中,最后一个零表示什么?<BR>看了帮助文件没看明白。<BR><BR></P></DIV>
<P>isosurface(xm,ym,zm,fvalues,d)这里表示画f(x,y)=d的柱面</P> 请问怎么画F(x,y,z)=0的三维图呢?:@) ezplot3