求救 Pro/E导入gambit
我用Pro/E做的实体导入gambit时老是出现错误,操作如下:gambit中使用File---Import----CAD----PRO/ENGINEER(step)命令,以便导入ProE 三维图形,但是没有结果,反而出现了下面的提示:
Fatal Error
Unable to determine the installation directory.
Please start the application using the shortcut(s) provided in the Start menu
1.checkthe Pro/E STARTUP_COMMAND defaultunder the CAD->PROENGINEER section of the defaults form to verify that the correct Pro/E command is specified.
2.check if there are enough licences to run Pro/E
3.check if the correct Pro/E file was selected and exists.
我用的是Pro/E Wildfire 3.0 安装时只用了一个licence 。 用STEP和IGES都试过了,出现的问题一样。谢谢大家!!! 我也遇到同样的问题,楼主解决了吗? 我用的是Pro/E Wildfire 3.0,能正常用。也不知道你的问题出在哪里,你看看你的导出正确不? 我建议你在PRO/E里面先导出igs文件,然后再导入GAMBIT