谢谢 help norm 可是我如何在产生高斯白噪声的程序里定义norm(或者rms)呢? 均方根值指的是均值吧,看看这个
Generate a random distribution with a specific mean and variance . To do this, multiply the output of randn by the standard deviation , and then add the desired mean. For example, to generate a 5-by-5 array of random numbers with a mean of .6 that are distributed with a variance of 0.1,
x = .6 + sqrt(0.1) * randn(5) xiexiexiexie
回复 地板 friendchj 的帖子
均方根和均值差远了吧。。。。。。回复 6楼 wwbeyondww 的帖子
请教如何定义高斯白噪声的均方根值,以前没听说过,呵呵 我知道的均方根(rms)就是standard deviation (std), 而variance(var)就是the square of the standard deviation (std) normrnd 貌似也可以的吧。。