liljx_2008 发表于 2006-3-22 23:44


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liljx_2008 发表于 2006-3-23 21:07

<FONT color=#f73809 size=4>非常感谢yejet的解答.<br>万分感谢!!!!!!!<br>以后有问题再向你请教.</FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-23 22:32:36编辑过]

liljx_2008 发表于 2006-3-23 22:56


yejet 发表于 2006-4-7 19:54


<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>liljx_2008</I>在2006-3-23 22:56:16的发言:</B><BR>刚看完yejet提供的资料,想问这个资料摘自何处?<BR>可能是我现在一下子没看明白,所以我还想向你请教一下,如何辨识的问题,即A*X=0(其中A为n*n已知矩阵,X为一个列向量),如何求X.</DIV>

tongji 发表于 2006-4-14 16:04


huhust 发表于 2006-4-15 11:13


<FONT face=Verdana color=#da2549><B>yejet, 您有相应的程序吗?或者推荐一个相似的程序也行,我急用。先谢了!</B></FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-15 11:17:03编辑过]

yejet 发表于 2006-4-15 19:54


<P>squareRootMethod, coded by EmilMathew 05/9/10, you can modify and use these code as you wish , but there is no guarantee that it can fit all you need.
<P>void squareRootMethod(Type** inMatrixArr,Type* bList,Type* xAnsList,int size)
<P>/*Maths Reason:
<P>When you meet a duiCheng and zheng ding matrix:
<P>it could be pation like this:
<P>l11 l11 l21 ... ln1
<P>l21 l22 * l22 ... ln2
<P>.... ... ...
<P>ln1 ln2 ... lnn lnn
<P>the steps below is very easy :
<P>by EmilMatthew
<P>Type** l_Matrix,* yAnsList;
<P>Type tmpData;
<P>int i,j;
<P>/*pointer data assertion*/
<P>assertF(inMatrixArr!=NULL,"in squareRootMethod,matrixArr is NULL\n");
<P>assertF(bList!=NULL,"in squareRootMethod,bList is NULL\n");
<P>assertF(xAnsList!=NULL,"in squareRootMethod,xAnsList is NULL\n");
<P>/*correct pass in matrix assertion*/
<P>assertF(duiChengMatrixCheck(inMatrixArr,size),"in squareRootMethod,the pass in matrix is not dui cheng\n");
<P>/*Mem Apply*/
<P>assertF(l_Matrix!=NULL,"in squareRootMethod,l_Matrix is null\n");
<P>assertF(yAnsList!=NULL,"in squareRootMethod,yAnsList is null\n");
<P>/*Core Program*/
<P>// printf("tmpData:%f\n",tmpData);
<P>enhancedSquareRootMethod, coded by EmilMathew 05/9/10, you can modify and use these code as you wish , but there is no guarantee that it can fit all you need.
<P>void enhancedSquareRootMethod(Type** inMatrixArr,Type* bList,Type* xAnsList,int size)
<P>Type** l_Matrix,** t_Matrix;
<P>Type* yAnsList,* dList;
<P>int i,j;
<P>/*pointer data assertion*/
<P>assertF(inMatrixArr!=NULL,"in enhancedSquareRootMethod,matrixArr is NULL\n");
<P>assertF(bList!=NULL,"in enhancedSquareRootMethod,bList is NULL\n");
<P>assertF(xAnsList!=NULL,"in enhancedSquareRootMethod,xAnsList is NULL\n");
<P>/*correct pass in matrix assertion*/
<P>assertF(duiChengMatrixCheck(inMatrixArr,size),"in enhancedSquareRootMethod,the pass in matrix is not dui cheng\n");
<P>/*Mem Apply*/
<P>assertF(t_Matrix!=NULL,"in enhancedSquareRootMethod,t_Matrix is null\n");
<P>assertF(l_Matrix!=NULL,"in enhancedSquareRootMethod,l_Matrix is null\n");
<P>assertF(yAnsList!=NULL,"in enhancedSquareRootMethod,yAnsList is null\n");
<P>/*mem free*/
<P>/*Square Method Algorithm test program*/
<P>#include "Global.h"
<P>#include "Ulti.h"
<P>#include "MyAssert.h"
<P>#include "Matrix.h"
<P>char *inFileName="inputData.txt";
<P>input data specification
<P>char *outFileName="outputData.txt";
<P>#define DEBUG 1
<P>void main(int argc,char* argv[])
<P>FILE *inputFile;/*input file*/
<P>FILE *outputFile;/*output file*/
<P>double startTime,endTime,tweenTime;/*time callopsed info*/
<P>/*The read in data*/
<P>int len,methodIndex;
<P>Type** matrixArr;
<P>Type* bList,* xAnsList;
<P>int i,j;/*iterator index*/
<P>/*input file open*/
<P>assertF((inputFile=fopen(inFileName,"rb"))!=NULL,"input file error");
<P>printf("input file open success\n");
<P>/*outpout file open*/
<P>assertF((outputFile=fopen(outFileName,"wb"))!=NULL,"output file error");
<P>printf("output file open success\n");
<P>/*Memory apply*/
<P>/*Read info data*/
<P>/*Check the input data*/
<P>#if DEBUG
<P>printf("\n*******start of test program******\n");
<P>printf("now is runnig,please wait...\n");
<P>/******************Core program code*************/
<P>case 1:
<P>printf("after the enhancedSquareRootMethod:the ans x rows is:\n");
<P>fprintf(outputFile,"after the enhancedSquareRootMethod:the ans x rows is:(from x0 to xn-1)\r\n");
<P>case 2:
<P>printf("after the SquartRootPationMethod:the ans x rows is:\n");
<P>fprintf(outputFile,"after the SquartRootPationMethod:the ans x rows is:(from x0 to xn-1)\r\n");
<P>printf("input method index error\n");
<P>/******************End of Core program**********/
<P>tweenTime=endTime-startTime;/*Get the time collapsed*/
<P>/*Time collapsed output*/
<P>printf("the collapsed time in this algorithm implement is:%f\n",tweenTime);
<P>fprintf(outputFile,"the collapsed time in this algorithm implement is:%f\r\n",tweenTime);
<P>printf("\n*******end of test program******\n");
<P>printf("program end successfully,\n you have to preess any key to clean the buffer area to output,otherwise,you wiil not get the total answer.\n");
<P>getchar();/*Screen Delay Control*/
<P>after the SquartRootPationMethod:the ans x rows is:(from x0 to xn-1)
<P>1.00000 1.00000 0.00000
<P>after the enhancedSquareRootMethod:the ans x rows is:(from x0 to xn-1)
<P>1.00000 1.00000 0.00000
<P>after the enhancedSquareRootMethod:the ans x rows is:(from x0 to xn-1)
<P>2.00000 1.00000 -1.00000

yejet 发表于 2006-4-15 19:57


<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>tongji</I>在2006-4-14 16:04:39的发言:</B><BR>是呀,文章中的变量说明也不全面</DIV>

多情清秋 发表于 2006-6-2 08:34


<P><FONT color=#ff0000>liljx_2008、huhust各加威望1点,yejet加威望2点</FONT></P>
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