<P>刚刚从MathWorks上学到的,版上也有人问过,与大家分享 <BR>看完下面四段,你会有意外收获,即使你不想生成一个最大化窗口 <BR><BR>------------------------------------------------------ <BR>这是我的原文: <BR>How to create a maximized figure window ? <BR>I usually use <BR> h = figure; <BR> set(h,'position',); <BR>to get similar result. But it's stupid. <BR>------------------------------------------------------ <BR>us的Re文: <BR>another solution <BR><BR> set(gcf,'outerposition',... <BR> get(0,'screensize')); <BR>... just make sure that <BR> get(gcf,'units') <BR>equals <BR> get(0,'units') <BR>------------------------------------------------------ <BR>Alex的Re文: <BR>Nice trick, us, <BR><BR>question is, why a useful feature like this one is not <BR>documented (as I just read in technote 1204)? <BR><BR>regards, -Alex. <BR>------------------------------------------------------ <BR>us的再次re文: <BR>because officially it's an <undocumented> feature. <BR>undoc features of each g-handle can be retrieved with this small code <BR>snippet: <BR><BR>% eg, get a figures undocs <BR>% ... start with yet another undoc :-) <BR> set(0,'hideundocumented','off'); <BR> f=get(gcf); <BR> set(0,'hideundocumented','on'); <BR> g=get(gcf); <BR> ff=fieldnames(f); <BR> gf=fieldnames(g); <BR> df=ismember(ff,gf); <BR> ff(~df) <BR>us <BR>------------------------------------------------------ <BR>我试了一下真的发现好多隐藏特性,以后每个句柄都可以试试了</P>