matlab gui 空间属性中的 OuterPosition,Position,PaperPosition有什么不同
RT,如何知道一个fig相对于整个windows窗口的位置 谢谢大家 敲错两个字“控件” 节录自matlab helpOuterPosition - Figure position including title bar, menu bar, tool bars, and outer edges.
PaperPosition - Location on printed page. A rectangle that determines the location of the figure on the printed page.
Position - Figure position not including title bar, menu bar, tool bars, and outer edges.
[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2010-7-27 11:29 编辑 ] 谢谢楼上了 也就是说PaperPosition 是在打印页面上的位置哦
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