bitidu 发表于 2006-4-5 10:32


请问 axesyy是什么函数阿,用法是什么?我的matlab为什么不认呢?谢谢!

yqchenlolo 发表于 2006-4-5 11:34


happy 发表于 2006-4-5 14:29


以前的命令,function to tailor dual Y axes<BR>现在早就没了

bitidu 发表于 2006-4-5 15:26

<P><STRONG>请问以下代码应该如何修改?谢谢!<BR>axesyy( hax, [ 0 24 -15 15 100 400 ], ...<BR>   'Time in hours', ...<BR>   'Flowrate in Ml/d', ...<BR>   'Nutrient in mg/l', 2, ...<BR>   [ 0 5 10 15 ], [ 100 150 200 250 ] );</STRONG></P>

happy 发表于 2006-4-6 09:14


我把axesyy的代码发给你,自己该吧<BR><BR>%<BR>% function to tailor dual Y axes<BR>%<BR>function axesyy( h, lim, labx, laby1, laby2, remticlab, ytic1, ytic2 )<BR>%<BR>% rescale and label left axis plot<BR>set( h(1), 'XLim', lim(1:2) );<BR>set( h(1), 'fontsize', 24 );<BR>set( h(1), 'YLim', lim(3:4) );<BR>sylabel( [ '\24' laby1 ] );<BR>%<BR>% rescale and label right axis plot<BR>set( h(2), 'XLim', lim(1:2) );<BR>set( h(2), 'fontsize', 24 );<BR>set( h(2), 'YLim', lim(5:6) );<BR>sy2label( h(2), [ '\24' laby2 ] );<BR>%<BR>% label x axis<BR>sxlabel( [ '\24' labx ] );<BR>%<BR>if remticlab == 1<BR>   for hi = 1:2,<BR>      % remove even tick labels from axis<BR>      a = get( h( hi ), 'YTickLabel' );<BR>      [ n, m ] = size( a );<BR>      for i = 2:2:n,<BR>         a(i,:) = blanks( m );<BR>      end;<BR>      set( h( hi ), 'YTickLabel', a );<BR>   end;<BR>end;<BR>%<BR>% set up specified y axes tick marks and labels<BR>if remticlab == 2<BR>   set( h(1), 'YTick', ytic1 );<BR>   lab = str2mat( num2str( ytic1(1) ) );<BR>   for i = 2:length( ytic1 ),<BR>      lab = str2mat( lab, num2str( ytic1(i) ) );<BR>   end;<BR>   set( h(1), 'YTickLabel', lab );<BR>   set( h(2), 'YTick', ytic2 );<BR>   lab = str2mat( num2str( ytic2(1) ) );<BR>   for i = 2:length( ytic2 ),<BR>      lab = str2mat( lab, num2str( ytic2(i) ) );<BR>   end;<BR>   set( h(2), 'YTickLabel', lab );<BR>end;<BR>%

bitidu 发表于 2006-4-7 10:01


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