楼主 |
发表于 2011-12-7 11:19
本帖最后由 zhangshun5233 于 2011-12-7 11:20 编辑
- function h=myimage(dummyCoefs,plotmode,cmap)
- % MYIMAGE 3-D visualization of coefficients.
- % DUMMYCOEFS is the coefficients matrix to be visualized.
- % Coefficients are colored using PLOTMODE.
- % PLOTMODE = 'lvl' (By scale) or
- % PLOTMODE = 'glb' (All scales) or
- % PLOTMODE = 'abslvl' or 'lvlabs' (Absolute value and By scale) or
- % PLOTMODE = 'absglb' or 'glbabs' (Absolute value and All scales)
- %
- % MYIMAGE(...,'plot') is equivalent to MYIMAGE(...,'absglb')
- %
- % You get 3-D plots (surfaces) using the same keywords listed
- % above for the PLOTMODE parameter, preceded by '3D'. For example:
- % MYIMAGE(...,'3Dplot') or MYIMAGE(...,'3Dlvl').
- % H is the figure handle.
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if nargin==1
- plotmode='plot';
- cmap=colormap(jet(240));
- end
- if nargin==2
- cmap=colormap(jet(240));
- end
- NBC = 240;
- if strmatch('3D',plotmode)
- dim_plot = '3D';
- else
- dim_plot = '2D';
- end
- switch plotmode
- case {'lvl','3Dlvl'}
- lev_mode = 'row';
- abs_mode = 0;
- case {'glb','3Dglb'}
- lev_mode = 'mat';
- abs_mode = 0;
- case {'abslvl','lvlabs','3Dabslvl','3Dlvlabs'}
- lev_mode = 'row';
- abs_mode = 1;
- case {'absglb','glbabs','plot','2D','3Dabsglb','3Dglbabs','3Dplot','3D'}
- lev_mode = 'mat';
- abs_mode = 1;
- otherwise
- plotmode = 'absglb';
- lev_mode = 'mat';
- abs_mode = 1;
- dim_plot = '2D';
- end
- if abs_mode , dummyCoefs = abs(dummyCoefs); end
- plotPARAMS = {NBC,lev_mode,abs_mode,cmap};
- switch dim_plot
- case '2D'
- axeAct = gca;
- plotCOEFS(axeAct,dummyCoefs,plotPARAMS);
- h=axeAct;
- case '3D'
- axeAct = gca;
- surfCOEFS(axeAct,dummyCoefs,plotPARAMS);
- h=axeAct;
- end
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- function plotCOEFS(axeAct,coefs,plotPARAMS)
- [NBC,lev_mode,abs_mode,cmap] = deal(plotPARAMS{:});
- coefs = wcodemat(coefs,NBC,lev_mode,abs_mode);
- img = image(coefs);
- set(axeAct,'YDir','normal','Box','On');
- title('Matrix''s 2-D Visualization','Parent',axeAct);
- xlabel('time','Parent',axeAct);
- ylabel('frequency','Parent',axeAct);
- colormap(cmap);
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- function surfCOEFS(axeAct,coefs,plotPARAMS)
- [NBC,lev_mode,abs_mode,cmap] = deal(plotPARAMS{:});
- img = surf(coefs);
- set(axeAct,'YDir','normal','Box','On');
- title('Matrix''s 3-D Visualization','Parent',axeAct);
- xlabel('time','Parent',axeAct);
- ylabel('frequency','Parent',axeAct);
- zlabel('amplitude','Parent',axeAct);
- xl = [1 size(coefs,2)];
- yl = [1 size(coefs,1)];
- zl = [min(min(coefs)) max(max(coefs))];
- set(axeAct,'Xlim',xl,'Ylim',yl,'Zlim',zl,'view',[-30 35]);
- colormap(cmap);
- shading('interp')