以下是我的mex -setup过程,请问该怎么解决?
Welcome to mex -setup. This utility will help you set up
a default compiler. For a list of supported compilers, see
Please choose your compiler for building MEX-files:
Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n? n
Select a compiler:
[1] Intel C++ 13.0 (with Microsoft Software Development Kit (SDK) linker)
[2] Intel C++ 13.0 (with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 linker)
[3] Intel C++ 13.0 (with Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 linker)
[4] Intel C++ 12.0 (with Microsoft Software Development Kit (SDK) linker)
[5] Intel C++ 12.0 (with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 linker)
[6] Intel C++ 12.0 (with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 linker)
[7] Intel Visual Fortran 13 (with Microsoft Software Development Kit (SDK) linker)
[8] Intel Visual Fortran 13.0 (with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 linker)
[9] Intel Visual Fortran 13.0 (with Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 linker)
[10] Intel Visual Fortran 12 (with Microsoft Software Development Kit (SDK) linker)
[11] Intel Visual Fortran 12.0 (with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 linker)
[12] Intel Visual Fortran 12.0 (with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Shell linker)
[13] Intel Visual Fortran 12.0 (with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 linker)
[14] Microsoft Software Development Kit (SDK) 7.1
[15] Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1
[16] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1
[17] Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
[18] Microsoft Visual C++ 2012
[0] None
Compiler: 18
Warning: The default location for Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 compiler is:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0"
but either that directory does not exist or the configuration
is invalid.
Use C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 anyway [y]/n? n
Please enter the location of your compiler: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0] [C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8]
Please verify your choices:
Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2012
Location: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8]
Are these correct [y]/n? y
Error: Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 requires the Microsoft Windows Software
Development Kit (SDK), but the SDK cannot be found. Examine your
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 installation.
Warning: Function fft has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the
function to avoid a potential name conflict.
> In mex_helper>runCmdInShell at 86
In mex_helper at 53
In mex_legacy at 7
Unable to complete successfully.
[15] Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1
[16] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1
[17] Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
[18] Microsoft Visual C++ 2012
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8]
[C:\Program Files \Microsoft Visual Studio 8]
你发给我的那个链接里说:要安装MS visual c++ 2010 express和SDK 7.1
里面没有Microsoft Visual C++ 2012,有Microsoft Visual C++ 2010也是32位的,我的是64位的,有Microsoft Visual C++ 2013我装上了但是版本比matlab高,不能用
哪位大神给一个Microsoft Visual C++ 2010/2012的下载地址?
Welcome to mex -setup. This utility will help you set up
a default compiler. For a list of supported compilers, see
Please choose your compiler for building MEX-files:
Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y
No supported SDK or compiler was found on this computer.
For a list of supported compilers, see