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Functions and Scripts
depdir List dependent folders for function or P-file
depfun List dependencies of function or P-file
echo Display statements during function execution
end Terminate block of code, or indicate last array index
function Declare function
input Request user input
inputname Variable name of function input
inputParser Parse function inputs
mfilename File name of currently running function
namelengthmax Maximum identifier length
nargchk Validate number of input arguments
nargin Number of function input arguments
narginchk Validate number of input arguments
nargout Number of function output arguments
nargoutchk Validate number of output arguments
onCleanup Cleanup tasks at function completion
pcode Create protected function file
script Sequence of MATLAB statements in file
syntax Two ways to call MATLAB functions
varargin Variable-length input argument list
varargout Variable-length output argument list
ans Most recent answer
arrayfun Apply function to each element of array
assert Generate error when condition is violated
builtin Execute built-in function from overloaded method
cellfun Apply function to each cell in cell array
echo Display statements during function execution
eval Execute MATLAB expression in text string
evalc Evaluate MATLAB expression with capture
evalin Execute MATLAB expression in specified workspace
feval Evaluate function
iskeyword Determine whether input is MATLAB keyword
isvarname Determine whether input is valid variable name
pause Halt execution temporarily
run Run script that is not on current path
script Sequence of MATLAB statements in file
structfun Apply function to each field of scalar structure
symvar Determine symbolic variables in expression
tic Start clock to measure performance
toc Stop clock to measure performance
delete (timer) Remove timer object from memory
disp (timer) Information about timer object
get (timer) Timer object properties
isvalid (timer) Determine whether timer object is valid
set (timer) Configure or display timer object properties
start Start timer(s) running
startat Start timer(s) running at specified time
stop Stop timer(s)
timer Construct timer object
timerfind Find timer objects
timerfindall Find timer objects, including invisible objects
wait Wait until timer stops running
Variables and Functions in Memory
ans Most recent answer
assignin Assign value to variable in specified workspace
clearvars Clear variables from memory
datatipinfo Produce short description of input variable
genvarname Construct valid variable name from string
global Declare global variables
inmem Names of functions, MEX-files, Sun Java classes in memory
isglobal Determine whether input is global variable
memory Display memory information
mislocked Determine if function is locked in memory
mlock Prevent clearing function from memory
munlock Allow clearing functions from memory
namelengthmax Maximum identifier length
pack Consolidate workspace memory
persistent Define persistent variable
rehash Refresh function and file system path caches
Control Flow
break Terminate execution of for or while loop
continue Pass control to next iteration of for or while loop
end Terminate block of code, or indicate last array index
error Display message and abort function
for Execute statements specified number of times
if/elseif/else Execute statements if condition is true
parfor Parallel for loop
return Return to invoking function
switch/case/otherwise Switch among several cases based on expression
try/catch Execute statements and catch resulting errors
while Repeatedly execute statements while condition is true
Error Handling
addCause (MException) Record additional causes of exception
assert Generate error when condition is violated
disp (MException) Display MException object
eq (MException) Compare scalar MException objects for equality
error Display message and abort function
ferror Information about file I/O errors
getReport (MException) Get error message for exception
isequal (MException) Compare scalar MException objects for equality
last (MException) Last uncaught exception
lastwarn Last warning message
MException Capture error information
ne (MException) Compare scalar MException objects for inequality
rethrow Reissue error
rethrow (MException) Reissue existing exception
throw (MException) Issue exception and terminate function
throwAsCaller (MException) Throw exception as if from calling function
try/catch Execute statements and catch resulting errors
warning Warning message
MEX Programming
dbmex Enable MEX-file debugging (on UNIX platforms)
inmem Names of functions, MEX-files, Sun Java classes in memory
mex Compile MEX-function from C/C++ or Fortran source code
mex.getCompilerConfigurations Get compiler configuration information for building MEX-files
mexext Binary MEX-file name extension |