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ZoonFFT取自于Mathworks User’s Community中的程序,由Tom Irvine编制的。它的使用方法:在Matlab Command Window中输入
zoomFFT - version 1.1, April 20, 2005
by Tom Irvine
Email: tomirvine@aol.com
This program calculates the non-destructive zoom
Fast Fourier transform of a time history.
The input file must be time(sec) and amplitude(units)
The format is free, but no header lines allowed.
Please enter the input filename.
Select file input method
1=external ASCII file
2=file preloaded into Matlab
Enter the input filename
Enter frequency (Hz) of interest
Choose Zoom Factor
1 = 1:1
2 = 2:1
3 = 4:1
4 = 8:1
5 = 16:1
- disp(' zoomFFT - version 1.1, April 20, 2005 ');
- disp(' by Tom Irvine ');
- disp(' Email: tomirvine@aol.com ');
- %
- disp(' ');
- disp(' This program calculates the non-destructive zoom ');
- disp(' Fast Fourier transform of a time history. ');
- %
- disp(' ');
- disp(' The input file must be time(sec) and amplitude(units) ');
- disp(' The format is free, but no header lines allowed.');
- disp(' Please enter the input filename. ');
- %
- % Add phase compensation in future version
- %
- % Reference: Randall, Frequency Analysis, Bruel & Kjaer, page 170.
- %
- % 262144
- % 131072
- % 65536
- % 32768
- % 16384
- %
- clear THM;
- clear amp;
- clear ampf;
- clear tim;
- clear FF;
- clear n;
- clear N;
- clear MM;
- clear nz;
- clear Y;
- %
- MAX = 262144*2;
- MAXP1 = 131072*2;
- %
- inv=0;
- mf=0.;
- %
- tp=2.*pi;
- %
- iflag=0;
- %
- disp(' ')
- disp(' Select file input method ');
- disp(' 1=external ASCII file ');
- disp(' 2=file preloaded into Matlab ');
- file_choice = input('');
- %
- if(file_choice==1)
- disp(' Enter the input filename ');
- filename = input(' ','s');
- fid = fopen(filename,'r');
- THM = fscanf(fid,'%g %g',[2 inf]);
- else
- THM = input(' Enter the matrix name: ');
- end
- %
- %N=4096;
- %
- amp=THM(:,2);
- tim=THM(:,1);
- n = length(amp);
- %
- for(i=1:18)
- if( 2^i > n )
- break;
- end
- N=2^i;
- end
- %
- out4 = sprintf(' time history length = %d ',n);
- disp(out4)
- disp(' ');
- out5 = sprintf(' samples used for FFT = %d',N);
- disp(out5)
- nsegment=N;
- %
- %disp(' mean values ')
- %
- mu=mean(amp);
- sd=std(amp);
- mx=max(amp);
- mi=min(amp);
- rms=sqrt(sd^2+mu^2);
- tmx=max(tim);
- tmi=min(tim);
- dt=(tmx-tmi)/(n-1);
- %
- sr=1/dt;
- df=1./(N*dt);
- %
- disp(' ')
- out5 = sprintf(' dt=%12.4g sec sr=%12.4g Hz',dt,sr);
- disp(out5)
- disp(' ')
- out5 = sprintf(' df=%12.4g Hz',df);
- disp(out5)
- %
- %*** choose frequency
- %
- disp(' ');
- disp(' Enter frequency (Hz) of interest ');
- fin = input(' ');
- %
- octave = (2.^(1./3.));
- flow = fin/octave;
- fhigh = fin*octave;
- %
- %*** Choose Zoom Factor
- %
- disp(' ');
- disp(' Choose Zoom Factor ');
- disp(' 1 = 1:1 ');
- disp(' 2 = 2:1 ');
- disp(' 3 = 4:1 ');
- disp(' 4 = 8:1 ');
- disp(' 5 = 16:1 ');
- %
- iz=input(' ');
- %
- if(iz>5)
- iz=5;
- end
- %
- if(iz==1)
- nz=1;
- end
- if(iz==2)
- nz=2;
- end
- if(iz==3)
- nz=4;
- end
- if(iz==4)
- nz=8;
- end
- if(iz==5)
- nz=16;
- end
- %
- %***** Choose filter option (next version)
- %
- %disp(' ');
- %disp(' Bandpass filter the data prior to zoom FFT (recommended) ?');
- %disp(' 1=yes 2=no ');
- %
- %i_filter_choice=input(' ');
- %
- %if(i_filter_choice ==1)
- %
- % put in filter
- %
- %end
- %
- % FFT
- %
- disp(' ')
- disp(' begin FFT ')
- disp(' ')
- %
- clear Y;
- clear complex_FFT;
- Y=zeros(N,1);
- complex_FFT=zeros(N,3);
- %
- ia=1;
- MM=N;
- N=fix(N/nz);
- ja=1;
- for( ikj = 1:nz)
- nk = ikj;
- jb=ja+MM-1;
- ampf=zeros(1,MM);
- %
- ampf=amp(nk:nz:MM);
- %
- Y(ja:jb)=fft(ampf,MM);
- ja=jb+1;
- end
- %
- NT=length(Y);
- FF=linspace(0,df*NT,NT);
- complex_FFT = zeros(NT,3);
- complex_FFT(:,1)=FF';
- complex_FFT(:,2)=real(Y);
- complex_FFT(:,3)=imag(Y);
- %
- nntt = fix(nsegment/nz);
- %
- % accumulator
- %
- disp(' accumulator ');
- %
- maxf = max(FF);
- %
- if( NT > MAX )
- disp(' Error: too many data points. ');
- disp(' Press any key to exit. ');
- end
- %
- nmax=NT;
- %
- if( maxf < flow )
- disp('\n Frequency error. Greater bandwidth needed. \n');
- disp('\n Press any key to continue. \n');
- input(' ');
- end
- %
- dfz=df/nz;
- nm= fix(NT/nz);
- %
- if(nz==1)
- %
- cr = complex_FFT(:,2);
- ci = complex_FFT(:,3);
- z=sqrt(cr.*cr+ci.*ci);
- freq=FF;
- %
- else
- %
- for(i=1:nm)
- %
- cr=0.;
- ci=0.;
- for(j=0:(nz-1))
- cr=cr + complex_FFT(i+j*nm,2) ;
- ci=ci + complex_FFT(i+j*nm,3) ;
- end
- %
- z(i)=sqrt(cr^2+ci^2);
- freq(i)=i*dfz;
- end
- end
- %
- % Output
- %
- ny=fix(length(z)/2);
- zoom=2.*z(1:ny);
- freqz=freq(1:ny);
- zoom(1)=zoom(1)/2.;
- plot(freqz,zoom);
- xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
- ylabel('Magnitude');
- out5 = sprintf(' ZOOM FFT %d:1 ',nz);
- title(out5);
- grid;
- fmin=fin/2.^(1./6.);
- fmax=fin*2.^(1./6.);
- ymin=0.;
- ymax=max(zoom)*1.2;
- axis([fmin,fmax,ymin,ymax]);
[ 本帖最后由 suffer 于 2006-11-8 16:32 编辑 ] |