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This is a demo program of developing fluent UDF by virsual c++
using this software, you can write c++ style udf programs, and you can use standard c++ libraries, MFC, and other C++ libraries if you like.
In the domo program, you can only choose 2d Fluent project, and you can only use DEFINE_ON_DEMAND macro. But in a registered edition, you can choose any type of project and freely use all mocroes supplied by FLUENT coopration .
How to use the program
0 It assumes you have installed FLUENT6.x in C:\fluent.inc directory. if you have install the FLUENT in other dirctory, please reinstall the Fluent again as requirement.
1 choose the type of Fluent project. 2d, 2ddp, 3d,or 3ddp
2 type the FLUENT project directory.also you can choose the directory by click SEARCH button
3 click the START button and will make progam and open the vc++ progam for you,if a vc++6.0 has installed on your computer.
4 in the function.cpp file in the vc++ project, you can write your C++ style program as you like.
5 compile the program to a dll file,Open FLUENT, load a cas file, load the udf dll file, and then you can run the function in it.
The demo program isn't convenience, but the registered edtion has good qulity. |