Author: Izhak Bucher
Summary: Finite element modeling of rotating machines and rotors.
Description: RotFE is a suite of programs that allows one to model rotating shafts mounted on bearings and with disks and point masses.
The programs were developed as a simple aid for research and Teaching (In: Imperial College London and Technion-Israel).
The program contains:
1) Rotfe ? A bending vibration modeling program: Uses Timoshenko beam elements and includes gyroscopic effects (due to rotation)
Also: Allows to model (i) anisotropic bearings (ii) misalignment (ii) rigid disks (damping)
- this program uses a standard TEXT input file with geometry and material constants + boundary conditions
2) modeplot2 - Graphical user interface to visualize the response
- computes critical speeds
- computes modeshapes, forward/backward whirling
3) Campbell ? a program to compute the 'campbell diagram': visualize the effect of rotating speed on the natural frequencies
4) Rot2ss ? Create state-space model
5) More ? (ask, this is a not very document research toy)
a) Load the package and unpack leaving the directory tree as is
b) Go to upmost directory and type >> rotfeini
This would add all the necessary directories to Matlab path
c) Run >> demo_rotfe
d) Read the DOC files in the DOC subdirectory
e) Email with questions/compliants etc