本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2011-3-5 21:08 编辑
乱逛感觉补齐较好些! 1F的那个图叫wiggle plot
所以google下, 搜了wigb, 列在下头有兴趣者自行试试- function wigb (a,scal,x,z,amx)
- %WIGB: Plot seismic data using wiggles
- %
- % WIGB(a,scal,x,z,amx)
- %
- % IN a: seismic data
- % scale: multiple data by scale
- % x: x-axis;
- % z: vertical axis (time or depth)
- % x and z are vectors with offset and time.
- %
- % If only 'a' is enter, 'scal,x,z,amn,amx' are decided automatically;
- % otherwise, 'scal' is a scalar; 'x, z' are vectors for annotation in
- % offset and time, amx are the amplitude range.
- %
- % Author:
- % Xingong Li, Dec. 1995
- % Changes:
- % Jun11,1997: add amx
- % May16,1997: updated for v5 - add 'zeros line' to background color
- % May17,1996: if scal ==0, plot without scaling
- % Aug6, 1996: if max(tr)==0, plot a line
- if nargin == 0, nx=10;nz=10; a = rand(nz,nx)-0.5; end;
- [nz,nx]=size(a); trmx= max(abs(a));
- if (nargin <= 4); amx=mean(trmx); end;
- if (nargin <= 2); x=[1:nx]; z=[1:nz]; end;
- if (nargin <= 1); scal =1; end;
- if nx <= 1; disp(' ERR:PlotWig: nx has to be more than 1');return;end;
- % take the average as dx
- dx1 = abs(x(2:nx)-x(1:nx-1)); dx = median(dx1); dz=z(2)-z(1);
- xmx=max(max(a)); xmn=min(min(a));
- if scal == 0; scal=1; end;
- a = a * dx /amx; a = a * scal;
- fprintf(' PlotWig: data range [%f, %f], plotted max %f \n',xmn,xmx,amx);
- % set display range
- x1=min(x)-2.0*dx; x2=max(x)+2.0*dx; z1=min(z)-dz; z2=max(z)+dz;
- set(gca,'NextPlot','add','Box','on','XLim', [x1 x2],'YDir','reverse','YLim',[z1 z2]);
- fillcolor = [0 0 0]; linecolor = [0 0 0]; linewidth = 0.1;
- z=z'; % input as row vector
- zstart=z(1); zend =z(nz);
- for i=1:nx,
- if trmx(i) ~= 0; % skip the zero traces
- tr=a(:,i); % --- one scale for all section
- s = sign(tr) ;
- i1= find( s(1:nz-1) ~= s(2:nz) ); % zero crossing points
- npos = length(i1);
- %12/7/97
- zadd = i1 + tr(i1) ./ (tr(i1) - tr(i1+1)); %locations with 0 amplitudes
- aadd = zeros(size(zadd));
- [zpos,vpos] = find(tr >0);
- [zz,iz] = sort([zpos; zadd]); % indices of zero point plus positives
- aa = [tr(zpos); aadd]; aa = aa(iz);
- % be careful at the ends
- if tr(1)>0, a0=0; z0=1.00; else a0=0; z0=zadd(1); end;
- if tr(nz)>0, a1=0; z1=nz; else a1=0; z1=max(zadd); end;
- zz = [z0; zz; z1; z0]; aa = [a0; aa; a1; a0];
- zzz = zstart + zz*dz -dz;
- patch( aa+x(i) , zzz, fillcolor);
- line( 'Color',[1 1 1],'EraseMode','background', ...
- 'Xdata', x(i)+[0 0], 'Ydata',[zstart zend]); % remove zero line
- %'LineWidth',linewidth, ...
- %12/7/97 'Xdata', x(i)+[0 0], 'Ydata',[z0 z1]*dz); % remove zero line
- line( 'Color',linecolor,'EraseMode','background','LineWidth',linewidth, ...
- 'Xdata', tr+x(i), 'Ydata',z); % negatives line
- else % zeros trace
- line( 'Color',linecolor,'EraseMode','background','LineWidth',linewidth, ...
- 'Xdata', [x(i) x(i)], 'Ydata',[zstart zend]);
- end;
- end;
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