<P align=left>from:<BR><BR><a href="http://www.omegacomputer.com/staff/tadonki/automatic_mexfile_matlab.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.omegacomputer.com/staff/tadonki/automatic_mexfile_matlab.htm</A><BR><BR><BR>该系好东东,<BR>俺不用,<BR>好用的话,大家说一声,<BR>不知有没有重复哈。[em01]<BR><BR><BR><BR>Automatic C/Fortran Mex-File Generator for MATLAB</B></P>
<P align=center><B><a href="http://ecolu-info.unige.ch/~logilab/tadonki/" target="_blank" >Claude Tadonki</A> </B><BR>University of Geneva</P>
<P align=left><FONT color=#800080><B>MAKES</B></FONT> is a tool that helps in the generation of mex-file from standard C or Fortran77/90 codes. The tool automatically generates the corresponding mex routine (gateway or a unique routine) from your original code. The current version is at a earlier stage, so suggestion/comments/bug reports are welcome ( <a href="mailtclaude.tadonki@unige.ch" target="_blank" >claude.tadonki@unige.ch</A> ). The output is not guarantee to be immediately operational in all cases, but I think the necessary changes should be intuitive and easy to fix.</P>