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附件所示:因为不支持压缩文件格式,无法一一上传- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Example 5.4.5
- % To solve the eigenvalue problem for a beam structure.
- % using Euler Bernoulli beam or Timoshenko beam elements.
- % nodal dofs: {v1 1 v2 2}
- % Problem description
- % Find the natural frequencies and modal shapes of a simply supported beam whose length
- % is 1 m. The beam has elastic modulus of 2.1x10^11 and its cross-section is 0.02 m height
- % by 0.02 m width. The mass density is 7860 kg/m^3. A concentrated load of -500 N is
- % applied at the middle of the beam.
- % Variable descriptions
- % k, m - element stiffness matrix and element mass matrix
- % kk, mm - system stiffness matrix and system mass matrix
- % ff - system force vector
- % index - a vector containing system dofs associated with each element
- % bcdof - a vector containing dofs associated with boundary conditions
- % bcval - a vector containing boundary condition values associated with the dofs in bcdof
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (0) input data
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- clear; clc;
- %Beam_InputData541; % import the input data for the information of
- % nodes, elements, loads, constraints and materials
- Opt_beam=1; % option for type of the beam:
- % =1 Euler Bernoulli beam
- % =2 Timoshenko beam
- Opt_mass=1; % option for mass matrix:
- % =1 consistent mass matrix
- % =2 lumped mass matrix
- Opt_graphics1=0; % option for graphics of the nodal connectivity
- Opt_graphics3=1; % option for graphics of the modal shape
- ith=1; % select the order of modes to display
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Input data for static analysis of beam structure (Example 5.4.1)
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (0.1) input basic data
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Prob_title='static analysis of beam structure';
- No_el=40; % number of elements
- No_nel=2; % number of nodes per element
- No_dof=2; % number of dofs per node
- No_node=(No_nel-1)*No_el+1; % total number of nodes in system
- Sys_dof=No_node*No_dof; % total system dofs
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (0.2) physical and geometric properties
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- prop(1)=2.1e11; % elastic modulus
- prop(2)=0.3; % Poisson's ratio
- prop(3)=7860; % mass density (mass per unit volume)
- prop(4)=0.02; % height of beam cross-section in y direction
- prop(5)=0.02; % width of beam cross-section in z direction
- prop(6)=0.02*0.02; % cross-sectional area of the beam
- prop(7)=0.02*0.02^3/12; % moment of inertia of cross-section about axis y
- prop(8)=0.02*0.02^3/12; % moment of inertia of cross-section about axis z
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (0.3) nodal coordinates
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % x, y, z coordinates in global coordinate system
- xx=zeros(No_node,1); yy=zeros(No_node,1); zz=zeros(No_node,1);
- dx=0.025;
- xx=0:dx:(No_node-1)*dx; xx=xx';
- gcoord=[xx yy zz];
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (0.4) applied load
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- P=[-500,21,1]; % load applied at node 21 in the negative y direction
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (0.5) boundary conditions
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ConNode=[ 1, 1, 0;... % code for constrained nodes
- 41, 1, 0];
- ConVal =[ 1, 0, 0;... % values at constrained dofs
- 41, 0, 0];
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % The end
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (1) initialization of matrices and vectors to zero
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- k=zeros(No_nel*No_dof,No_nel*No_dof); % element stiffness matrix
- m=zeros(No_nel*No_dof,No_nel*No_dof); % element mass matrix
- kk=zeros(Sys_dof,Sys_dof); % initialization of system stiffness matrix
- mm=zeros(Sys_dof,Sys_dof); % initialization of system mass matrix
- ff=zeros(Sys_dof,1); % initialization of system force vector
- index=zeros(No_nel*No_dof,1); % initialization of index vector
- bcdof=zeros(Sys_dof,1); % initializing the vector bcdof
- bcval=zeros(Sys_dof,1); % initializing the vector bcval
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (2) calculation of constraints
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [n1,n2]=size(ConNode);
- % calculate the constrained dofs
- for ni=1:n1
- ki=ConNode(ni,1);
- bcdof((ki-1)*No_dof+1:ki*No_dof)=ConNode(ni,2:No_dof+1);
- % the code for constrained dofs
- bcval((ki-1)*No_dof+1:ki*No_dof)=ConVal(ni,2:No_dof+1);
- % the value at constrained dofs
- end
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (3) applied nodal loads
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ff(No_dof*(P(2)-1)+P(3))=P(1);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (4) calculate the element matrices and assembling
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- for iel=1:No_el % loop for the total number of elements
- nd(1)=iel; % 1st node number of the iel-th element
- nd(2)=iel+1; % 2nd node number of the iel-th element
- x(1)=gcoord(nd(1),1); y(1)=gcoord(nd(1),2); z(1)=gcoord(nd(1),3);
- % coordinates of 1st node
- x(2)=gcoord(nd(2),1); y(2)=gcoord(nd(2),2); z(2)=gcoord(nd(2),3);
- % coordinates of 2nd node
- leng=sqrt((x(2)-x(1))^2+(y(2)-y(1))^2+(z(2)-z(1))^2);
- % length of element 'iel'
- if Opt_beam==1
- [k,m]=BeamElement11(prop,leng,Opt_mass);
- % compute element matrices for Euler-Bernoulli beam
- else
- [k,m]=BeamElement12(prop,leng,Opt_mass);
- % compute element matrices for Timoshenko beam
- end
- index=femEldof(nd,No_nel,No_dof); % extract system dofs associated with element
- kk=femAssemble1(kk,k,index); % assemble system stiffness matrix
- mm=femAssemble1(mm,m,index); % assemble system mass matrix
- end
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (5) apply constraints and solve the matrix equation
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [kk0,mm0,ff0,bcdof0,bcval0,sdof0]=kkCheck1(kk,mm,ff,bcdof,bcval); % 检查总体刚度矩阵kk的主元是否为0
- [kk,mm,ff]=femApplybc1(kk,mm,ff,bcdof,bcval);% 施加边界条件
- [kk2,mm2,ff2,sdof2]=bcCheck1(kk0,mm0,ff0,bcdof0); % 检查边界条件,消去相应的自由度
- % and columns associated with the boundary conditions
- [V,D]=eig(kk2,mm2); % solve the eigenvalue problem of matrix
- [lambda,ki]=sort(diag(D)); % sort the eigenvaules and eigenvectors
- omega=sqrt(lambda); % the frequency vector in radon/sec.
- omega1=sqrt(lambda)/(2*pi); % the frequency vector in Hz.
- V=V(:,ki); % the modal matrix
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (6) Analytical solution
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- E=prop(1); Iz=prop(8); rho=prop(3)*prop(6); L=1;
- i=(1:sdof2)';
- omega2=i.*i*pi^2*sqrt(E*Iz/(rho*L^4));
- omega3=omega2/(2*pi);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (7) graphics of nodal connectivity and static deformation
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %---------------------------------
- % (7.1) display the nodal connectivity
- %---------------------------------
- if Opt_graphics1==1
- for iel=1:No_el % loop for the total number of elements
- nd(1)=iel; % 1st node number of the iel-th element
- nd(2)=iel+1; % 2nd node number of the iel-th element
- x(1)=gcoord(nd(1),1); y(1)=gcoord(nd(1),2); z(1)=gcoord(nd(1),3);
- % coordinates of 1st node
- x(2)=gcoord(nd(2),1); y(2)=gcoord(nd(2),2); z(2)=gcoord(nd(2),3);
- % coordinates of 2nd node
- figure(1)
- plot(x,y); xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), hold on;
- axis([-0.1,1.1,-1.5,1.5]);
- title('nodal connectivity of elements');
- end
- hold off
- end
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (7.3) draw the modal shape
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if Opt_graphics3==1
- jk=ith; Vi=[V(:,jk)]; % chose the order of modes to display
- ik=0; % initial the counter for locating the modal coordinates
- for ii=1:sdof0 % loop for the total number of sdof
- if bcdof0(ii)==0
- mcoord(ii,1)=Vi(ii-ik);
- else
- mcoord(ii,1)=0;
- ik=ik+1;
- end
- end
- for ii=1:No_node % loop for the total number of nodes
- for ij=1:No_dof
- mcoordA(ii,ij)=mcoord((ii-1)*No_dof+ij,1);
- end
- end
- nv=20;
- for i=1:nv+1
- t=(i-1)*(2*pi)/20;
- mcoordB=gcoord+[zeros(No_node,1),mcoordA(:,1),zeros(No_node,1)]*cos(t);
- for iel=1:No_el % loop for the total number of elements
- nd(1)=iel; % starting node number for element 'iel'
- nd(2)=iel+1; % ending node number for element 'iel'
- x(1)=mcoordB(nd(1),1); y(1)=mcoordB(nd(1),2); z(1)=mcoordB(nd(1),3);
- % coordinate of 1st node
- x(2)=mcoordB(nd(2),1); y(2)=mcoordB(nd(2),2); z(2)=mcoordB(nd(2),3);
- % coordinate of 2nd node
- figure(2)
- plot(x,y,'b'), xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), hold on;
- axis([-0.1,1.1,-1.5,1.5])
- title([num2str(jk), 'th modal shape of the structure']);
- end
- hold off
- M(:,i)=getframe;
- end
- movie(M,5,10);
- end
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % (8) print fem solutions
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- disp('The calculation is use of:')
- if Opt_beam==1
- disp('Euler-Bernoulli beam element')
- else
- disp('Timoshenko beam element')
- end
- if Opt_mass==1
- disp('and consistent mass matrix')
- elseif Opt_mass==2
- disp('and lumped mass matrix')
- end
- disp(' ')
- disp(' mode numrical analytical')
- num=1:1:10; % print natural frequencies
- frequency=[num' omega1(1:10) omega3(1:10)]
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % The end
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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