incompressible Navier-Stokes 模型用来模拟Marangoni Convection时要利用弱解形式边界条件来约束表面温度梯度引起的张力。为了保证其边界条件的连续性,帮助文件中指出必须忽略掉Dirichlet boundary condition for T at the surface level。将边界条件进行了如下调整:
1 On the Physics menu, point to Equation System and then click Boundary Settings.
2 In the Boundary Settings - Equation System dialog box, click the r tab.
3 Select boundary 1 and type (s<1)*(T0_cc-T) in edit field in row 4. s is the boundary parameterization variable, which varies from 0 to 1 in the direction of the boundary arrow. That means that (s<1) is 1 only at the vertex at the end of the boundary.
4 Click the Differentiate button to get the h coefficient.
5 Select boundary 4 and type -(s<1)*T in the edit field in row 4.
6 Click the Differentiate button to get the h coefficient.