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发表于 2005-7-3 08:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 shogo 于 2016-3-2 09:23 编辑

Kraków, Poland
September 4-8, 2006


Traditional internationally-oriented series of Solid Mechanics Conferences (Solmech), organized presently every two years by the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFTR PAS), under auspice of the Committee of Mechanics PAS, have favored the exchange of ideas and experiences between scientists and researchers from different countries in a wide scope of solid mechanics areas:

thermodynamics and micro-mechanics of materials with account for phase transitions
fracture and damage mechanics, fatigue
instability and localization phenomena
mechanics of thin layers, composites and porous media
thermal and phase stresses, distortions in technological processes (e.g. thermal treatments, solidification etc.)
structural mechanics, critical states, sensitivity and optimization

The 35-th Solid Mechanics Conference (35 Solmech 2006) will be held in Kraków with all sessions at the International Center of Culture located at the Old Market Square.

Results of research concerning the fundamentals of solid mechanics (including experimental, theoretical and numerical methods), and the applications of its up-to-date achievements in the analysis of phenomena occurring in advanced materials (nano-grained materials, thin and graded layers, new generation intermetallics, advanced composites, cellular materials, shape memory alloys, etc.), structures and mechanisms (including mems, active control of structures, synthesis methods, etc.) are invited for presentation.

Organizing Committee
Professor dr B. Raniecki (braniec@ippt.gov.pl) - Chairman of the Conference
Professor dr J. Telega (Jozef.J.Telega@ippt.gov.pl)
Dr hab. K. Doliński (kdolin@ippt.gov.pl)
Dr hab. S. Kucharski (Stanislaw.Kucharski@ippt.gov.pl)
Dr hab. W. Oliferuk (wolif@ippt.gov.pl)
Dr hab. R.B. P?cherski (rpecher@ippt.gov.pl)
Dr hab. W. Sosnowski (wsosn@ippt.gov.pl )
Dr A. Marczewski (asmar@ippt.gov.pl ) - Secretary
Dr G. Starzyński (gstarz@ippt.gov.pl) - Secretary

Scientific Committee
R. Bogacz Z. Mroz J. Stefaniak
A. Borkowski W. Nowacki G. Szefer
T. Burczynski J. Orkisz J. Telega
K. Dems P. Perzyna A. Tylikowski
L. Dietrich H. Petryk Z. Wesolowski
A. Garstecki W. Pietraszkiewicz Cz. Wozniak
W. Gutkowski B. Raniecki M. Zyczkowski
J. Ignaczak J. Rychlewski
M. Kleiber K. Sobczyk
W. Kosinski M. Sokolowski

Call for Abstracts

Two-page camera ready abstracts (700-1000 words) in English with the title, authors' names and affiliation are due by March 15, 2006, and should be submitted (via regular mail with disc or CD or e-mail) to the Organizing Committee.

Notification of acceptance will be sent as soon as possible, not least then by May 1, 2006. A book of all accepted abstracts will be distributed to the conference participants. The authors will be encouraged to submit their full length papers for publication in special issues of the Archives of Mechanics or Engineering Transactions published by IFTR PAS.
Further details will be given in the Second Circular.

You may download the MS Word abstract template.

Important dates and deadlines

Preliminary registration - December 15th 2005
Submission of abstracts - March 15th 2006
Notification of acceptance will be sent as soon as possible, not least then by May 1st 2006
Further information will come soon

Address of the Conference

Organizing Committee SolMech 2006
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Swietokrzyska 21, 00-049 Warszawa, POLAND
Phone : (+48 22) 828 74 73
(+48 22) 826 98 06
Fax : (+48 22) 826 98 15
e-mail : solmech@ippt.gov.pl

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