
楼主 |
发表于 2007-4-4 07:38
- %File name : nprogram.m
- %Description : This file reads the data from its source into their respective matrices prior to
- % performing wavelet decomposition.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %Clear command screen and variables
- clc;
- clear;
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % user desired resolution level (Tested: resolution = 2 is best)
- level = menu('Enter desired resolution level: ', '1',...
- '2 (Select this for testing)', '3', '4');
- switch level
- case 1, resolution = 1;
- case 2, resolution = 2;
- case 3, resolution = 3;
- case 4, resolution = 4;
- end
- msg = ['Resolution level to be used is ', num2str(resolution)];
- disp(msg);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % user desired amount of data to use
- data = menu('Choose amount of data to use: ', '1 day', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days',...
- '5 days', '6 days', '1 week (Select this for testing)');
- switch data
- case 1, dataPoints = 48; %1 day = 48 points
- case 2, dataPoints = 96; %2 days = 96 points
- case 3, dataPoints = 144; %3 days = 144 points
- case 4, dataPoints = 192; %4 days = 192 points
- case 5, dataPoints = 240; %5 days = 240 points
- case 6, dataPoints = 288; %6 days = 288 points
- case 7, dataPoints = 336; %1 weeks = 336 points
- end
- msg = ['No. of data points to be used is ', num2str(dataPoints)];
- disp(msg);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %Menu for data set selection
- select = menu('Use QLD data of: ', 'Jan02',...
- 'Feb02', 'Mar02 (Select this for testing)', 'Apr02', 'May02');
- switch select
- case 1, demandFile = 'DATA200601_QLD1';
- case 2, demandFile = 'DATA200602_QLD1';
- case 3, demandFile = 'DATA200603_QLD1';
- case 4, demandFile = 'DATA200604_QLD1';
- case 5, demandFile = 'DATA200605_QLD1';
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %Reading the historical DEMAND data into tDemandArray
- selectedDemandFile=[demandFile,'.csv'];
- [regionArray, sDateArray, tDemandArray, rrpArray, pTypeArray] ...
- = textread(selectedDemandFile, '%s %q %f %f %s', 'headerlines', 1, 'delimiter', ',');
- %Display no. of points in the selected time series demand data
- [demandDataPoints, y] = size(tDemandArray);
- msg = ['The no. of points in the selected Demand data is ', num2str(demandDataPoints)];
- disp(msg);
- %Decompose historical demand data signal
- [dD, l] = swtmat(tDemandArray, resolution, 'db2');
- approx = dD(resolution, :);
- %Plot the original demand data signal
- figure (1);
- subplot(resolution + 2, 1, 1); plot(tDemandArray(1: dataPoints))
- legend('Demand Original');
- title('QLD Demand Data Signal');
- %Plot the approximation demand data signal
- for i = 1 : resolution
- subplot(resolution + 2, 1, i + 1); plot(approx(1: dataPoints))
- legend('Demand Approximation');
- end
- %After displaying approximation signal, display detail x
- for i = 1: resolution
- if( i > 1 )
- detail(i, :) = dD(i-1, :)- dD(i, :);
- else
- detail(i, :) = tDemandArray' - dD(1, :);
- end
- if i == 1
- subplot(resolution + 2, 1, resolution - i + 3); plot(detail(i, 1: dataPoints))
- legendName = ['Demand Detail ', num2str(i)];
- legend(legendName);
- else
- subplot(resolution + 2, 1, resolution - i + 3); plot(detail(i, 1: dataPoints))
- legendName = ['Demand Detail ', num2str(i)];
- legend(legendName);
- end
- i = i + 1;
- end
- %Normalising approximation demand data
- maxDemand = max(approx'); %Find largest component
- normDemand = approx ./ maxDemand; %Right divison
- maxDemandDetail = [ ];
- normDemandDetail = [, ];
- detail = detail + 4000;
- for i = 1: resolution
- maxDemandDetail(i) = max(detail(i, :));
- normDemandDetail(i, :) = detail(i, :) ./maxDemandDetail(i);
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %Reading the historical historical PRICE data into rrpArray
- selectedPriceFile = [demandFile, '.csv'];
- [regionArray, sDateArray, tDemandArray, rrpArray, pTypeArray] ...
- = textread(selectedDemandFile, '%s %q %f %f %s', 'headerlines', 1, 'delimiter', ',');
- %Display no. of points in Price data
- [noOfDataPoints, y] = size(rrpArray);
- msg = ['The no. of points in Price data data is ', num2str(noOfDataPoints)];
- disp(msg);
- %Decompose historical Price data signal
- [dP, l] = swtmat(rrpArray, resolution, 'db2');
- approxP = dP(resolution, :);
- %Plot the original Price data signal
- figure (2);
- subplot(resolution + 3, 1, 1); plot(rrpArray(2: dataPoints))
- legend('Price Original');
- title('Price Data Signal');
- %Plot the approximation Price data signal
- for i = 1 : resolution
- subplot(resolution + 3, 1, i + 1); plot(approxP(2: dataPoints))
- legend('Price Approximation');
- end
- %After displaying approximation signal, display detail x
- for i = 1: resolution
- if( i > 1 )
- detailP(i, :) = dP(i-1, :)- dP(i, :);
- else
- detailP(i, :) = rrpArray' - dP(1, :);
- end
- if i == 1
- [B,A]=butter(1,0.65,'low');
- result =filter(B,A, detailP(i, 1: dataPoints));
- subplot(resolution + 3, 1, resolution - i + 4);plot(result(i, 2: dataPoints))
- legendName = ['low pass filter', num2str(i)];
- legend(legendName);
- subplot(resolution + 3, 1, resolution - i + 3); plot(detailP(i, 2: dataPoints))
- legendName = ['Price Detail ', num2str(i)];
- legend(legendName);
- else
- subplot(resolution + 3, 1, resolution - i + 3); plot(detailP(i, 2: dataPoints))
- legendName = ['Price Detail ', num2str(i)];
- legend(legendName);
- end
- i = i + 1;
- end
- %Normalising approximation Price data
- maxPrice = max(approxP'); %Find largest component
- normPrice = approxP ./ maxPrice; %Right divison
- maxPriceDetail = [ ];
- normPriceDetail = [, ];
- detailP = detailP + 40;
- for i = 1: resolution
- maxPriceDetail(i) = max(detailP(i, :));
- normPriceDetail(i, :) = detailP(i, :) ./maxPriceDetail(i);
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %Function here allows repetitive options to,
- % 1) Create new NNs, 2) Retrain the existing NNs,
- % 3) Perform load demand forecasting and 4) Quit session
- while (1)
- choice = menu('Please select one of the following options: ',...
- 'CREATE new Neural Networks',...
- 'Perform FORECASTING of load demand', 'QUIT session...');
- switch choice
- case 1, scheme = '1';
- case 2, scheme = '2';
- case 3, scheme = '3';
- case 4, scheme = '4';
- end
- %If scheme is 'c', call <nCreate> to create new NNs, train them then perform forecast
- if(scheme == '1')
- nCreate;
- end
- %If scheme is 'r', call <nRetrain> to retrain the existing NNs
- if(scheme == '2')
- nRetrain;
- end
- %If scheme is 'f', call <nForecast> to load the existing NN model
- if(scheme == '3')
- nForecast;
- end
- %If scheme is 'e', verifies and quit session if 'yes' is selected else continue
- if(scheme == '4')
- button = questdlg('Quit session?', 'Exit Dialog','Yes','No','No');
- switch button
- case 'Yes', disp(' ');
- disp('Session has ended!!');
- disp(' ');
- break;
- case 'No', quit cancel;
- end
- end
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %File name : ncreate.m
- %Description : This file prepares the input & output data for the NNs. It creates then trains the
- % NNs to mature them.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %Clear command screen and set target demand ouput to start at point 2
- clc;
- targetStartAt = 2;
- disp('Program will now CREATE a Neural Network for training and forecasting...');
- disp(' ');
- disp('To capture the pattern of the signal, the model is ')
- disp('set to accept dataPoints x 2 sets of training examples; ');
- disp('1 set of demand + 1 sets of price. ');
- disp(' ');
- disp('The normalised demand data <point 2>, is to be taken as the ')
- disp('output value for the first iteration of training examples. ');
- disp(' ');
- disp('Press ENTER key to continue...');
- pause;
- %Clear command screen then prompt for no. of training cycles
- %For current program, 1 cycle = user set no. of iterations (ie: dataPoints)
- clc;
- cycle = input('Input the number of training cycles: ');
- numOfTimes = resolution + 1;
- %Creating and training the NNs for the respective
- %demand and price coefficient signals
- for x = 1: numOfTimes
- %Clearing variables
- clear targetDemand;
- clear inputs;
- clear output;
- clc;
- if(x == 1)
- neuralNetwork = ['Neural network settings for approximation level ',
- num2str(resolution)];
- else
- neuralNetwork = ['Neural network settings for detail level ', num2str(x - 1)];
- end
- disp(neuralNetwork);
- disp(' ');
- %Set no. of input nodes and hidden neurons for the
- %respective demand and price coefficient signal
- numOfInputs = 2;
- inputValue = ['Number of neural network INPUT units is set at ', num2str(numOfInputs)];
- disp(inputValue);
- disp(' ');
- numOfOutput = 1;
- outValue = ['Output is set to ', num2str(numOfOutput)];
- disp(outValue);
- disp(' ');
- numOfHiddens = input('Enter the no. of HIDDEN units for the NN hidden : ');
- hiddenValue = ['Number of neural network HIDDEN units is set at ',
- num2str(numOfHiddens)];
- disp(hiddenValue);
- disp(' ');
- %Setting no. of training examples
- trainingLength = dataPoints;
- %Set target outputs of the training examples
- if(x == 1)
- targetDemand = normDemand(targetStartAt: 1 + trainingLength);
- else
- targetDemand = normDemandDetail(x - 1, targetStartAt: 1 + trainingLength);
- end
- %Preparing training examples
- %Setting training i/ps to be 2 with user defined no. of iterations (dataPoints)
- y = 0;
- while y < trainingLength
- if(x == 1)
- inputs(1, y + 1) = normDemand(y + 1);
- inputs(2, y + 1) = normPrice(y + 1);
- else
- inputs(1, y + 1) = normDemandDetail(x - 1, y + 1);
- inputs(2, y + 1) = normPriceDetail(x - 1, y + 1);
- end
- output(y + 1, :) = targetDemand(y + 1);
- y = y + 1;
- end
- inputs = (inputs');
- %Setting no. of training cycles
- [ni, np] = size(targetDemand); % <== [ni, np] tells the NN how long is 1 cycle;
- size(targetDemand)
- clear nn;
- %Create new neural network for respective coefficient signal
- nn = mlp(numOfInputs, numOfHiddens, numOfOutput, 'linear');
- %NN options
- options = zeros(1, 18);
- options(1) = 1; %Provides display of error values
- options(14) = cycle * ni * np;
- %Training the neural network
- %netopt(net, options, x, t, alg);
- nn = netopt(nn, options, inputs, output, 'scg');
- %Save the neural network
- filename = ['nn', num2str(x)];
- save(filename, 'nn');
- disp(' ');
- msg = ['Neural network successfully CREATED and saved as => ', filename];
- disp(msg);
- if(x < 3)
- disp(' ');
- disp('Press ENTER key to continue training the next NN...');
- else
- disp(' ');
- disp('Model is now ready to forecast!!');
- disp(' ');
- disp('Press ENTER key to continue...');
- end
- pause;
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %File name : nforecast.m
- %Description : This file loads the trained NNs for load forcasting and %recombines the predicted
- % outputs from the NNs to form the final predicted load series.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %Clear command screen and variables
- clc;
- clear forecastResult;
- clear actualDemand;
- clear predicted;
- clear actualWithPredicted;
- disp('Neural networks loaded, performing electricity demand forecast...');
- disp(' ');
- pointsAhead = input('Enter no. of points to predict (should be < 336): ');
- numOfTimes = resolution + 1;
- %Predict coefficient signals using respective NNs
- for x = 1 : numOfTimes
- %Loading NN
- filename = ['nn', num2str(x)];
- clear nn
- load(filename);
- clear in;
- numOfInputs = nn.nin;
- y = 0;
- %Preparing details to forecast
- while y < pointsAhead
- if(x == 1)
- propData(1, y + 1) = normDemand(y + 1);
- propData(2, y + 1) = normPrice(y + 1);
- else
- propData(1, y + 1) = normDemandDetail(x - 1, y + 1);
- propData(2, y + 1) = normPriceDetail(x - 1, y + 1);
- end
- y = y + 1;
- end
- if(x == 1)
- forecast = mlpfwd(nn, propData') * maxDemand;
- else
- forecast = mlpfwd(nn, propData') * maxDemandDetail(x - 1) - 4000;
- end
- forecastResult(x, :) = forecast';
- end
- %For debugging
- % forecastResult
- actualDemand = tDemandArray(2: 1 + pointsAhead);
- predicted = sum(forecastResult, 1)';
- %Calculating Mean Absolute Error
- AbsError = abs(actualDemand - predicted(1: pointsAhead)) ./ actualDemand;
- msg = ['Mean Absolute Error = ', num2str(mean(AbsError(1: pointsAhead))), ' !!'];
- disp(' ');
- disp(msg);
- %Plot actual time series against predicted result
- figure(3)
- actualWithPredicted(:, 1) = actualDemand;
- actualWithPredicted(:, 2) = predicted(1: pointsAhead);
- plot(actualWithPredicted);
- graph = ['Mean Absolute Error = ', num2str(mean(AbsError))];
- title(graph);
- legend('Actual', 'Forecasted');
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %File name : nretrain.m
- %Description : This file loads the existing NNs and trains them again.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- clc;
- %Prompt for the starting point for training
- disp('Program will now RETRAIN the Neural Networks ')
- disp('with the SAME intial data series again...');
- disp(' ');
- disp('To capture the pattern of the signal, the model is ')
- disp('set to accept dataPoints x 2 sets of training examples; ');
- disp('1 set of demand + 1 sets of price. ');
- disp(' ');
- disp('The normalised demand data <point 2>, is to be taken as the ')
- disp('output value for the first iteration of training examples. ');
- disp(' ');
- msg = ['Data points to be used for reTraining the NNs is from 1 to ',...
- num2str(dataPoints)];
- disp(msg);
- disp(' ');
- disp('Press ENTER key to continue...');
- pause;
- %Clear command screen
- clc;
- %Prompt for no. of training cycles
- %For current program, 1 cycle = user set no. of iterations (ie: dataPoints)
- cycle = input('Input number of cycles to retrain the NNs: ');
- numOfTimes = resolution + 1;
- %Loading existing NNs for training
- for x = 1: numOfTimes
- %Re-initialising variables
- clear targetDemand;
- clear inputs;
- clear output;
- clc;
- %Loading NN for the respective demand and temperature coefficient signals
- filename = ['nn', num2str(x)];
- clear nn
- load(filename);
- %Getting the size of NN
- numOfInputs = nn.nin;
- numOfHiddens = nn.nhidden;
- numOfOutput = 1;
- %Setting length of reTraining examples and target outputs
- reTrainLength = dataPoints;
- targetLength = reTrainLength;
- targetStartAt = 2;
- %Set target outputs of the training examples
- if(x == 1)
- targetDemand = normDemand(targetStartAt: 1 + targetLength);
- else
- targetDemand = normDemandDetail(x - 1, targetStartAt: 1 + targetLength);
- end
- %Preparing training examples
- %Setting training i/ps to be 2 with user set no. of iterations (dataPoints)
- y = 0;
- while y < reTrainLength
- if(x == 1)
- inputs(1, y + 1) = normDemand(y + 1);
- inputs(2, y + 1) = normPrice(y + 1);
- else
- inputs(1, y + 1) = normDemandDetail(x - 1, y + 1);
- inputs(2, y + 1) = normPriceDetail(x - 1, y + 1);
- end
- output(y + 1, :) = targetDemand(y + 1);
- y = y + 1;
- end
- inputs = (inputs');
- %Setting no. of training cycles
- [ni, np] = size(targetDemand); % <== [ni, np] tells the NN how long is 1 cycle;
- size(targetDemand) %With reference to line 106
- %NN options
- options = zeros(1, 18);
- options(1) = 1; %Provides display of error values
- options(14) = cycle * ni * np;
- %Training the neural network
- %netopt(net, options, x, t, alg);
- nn = netopt(nn, options, inputs, output, 'scg');
- %Save the neural network
- filename = ['nn', num2str(x)];
- save(filename, 'nn');
- disp(' ');
- msg = ['Neural network => ', filename, ' <= successfully RETRAINED and saved!! '];
- disp(msg);
- if(x < 3)
- disp(' ');
- disp('Press ENTER key to continue training the next NN...');
- else
- disp(' ');
- disp('Model is now ready to forecast again!!');
- disp(' ');
- disp('Press ENTER key to continue...');
- end
- pause;
- end
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