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[工具箱] 各领域的Matlab第三方工具箱大全(强烈推荐)-赶紧下载

发表于 2010-12-24 13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Matlab Toolboxes


  • ADCPtools - acoustic doppler current profiler data processing
  • AFDesign - designing analog and digital filters
  • AIRES - automatic integration of reusable embedded software
  • Air-Sea - air-sea flux estimates in oceanography
  • Animation - developing scientific animations
  • ARfit - estimation of parameters and eigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive methods
  • ARMASA - power spectrum estimation
  • AR-Toolkit - computer vision tracking
  • Auditory - auditory models
  • b4m - interval arithmetic
  • Bayes Net - inference and learning for directed graphical models
  • Binaural Modeling - calculating binaural cross-correlograms of sound
  • Bode Step - design of control systems with maximized feedback
  • Bootstrap - for resampling, hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation
  • BrainStorm - MEG and EEG data visualization and processing
  • BSTEX - equation viewer
  • CALFEM - interactive program for teaching the finite element method
  • Calibr - for calibrating CCD cameras
  • Camera Calibration
  • Captain - non-stationary time series analysis and forecasting
  • CHMMBOX - for coupled hidden Markov modeling using maximum likelihood EM
  • Classification - supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms
  • Cluster - for analysis of Gaussian mixture models for data set clustering
  • Clustering - cluster analysis
  • ClusterPack - cluster analysis
  • COLEA - speech analysis
  • CompEcon - solving problems in economics and finance
  • Complex - for estimating temporal and spatial signal complexities
  • Computational Statistics
  • Coral - seismic waveform analysis
  • DACE - kriging approximations to computer models
  • DAIHM - data assimilation in hydrological and hydrodynamic models
  • Data Visualization
  • DBT - radar array processing
  • DDE-BIFTOOL - bifurcation analysis of delay differential equations
  • Denoise - for removing noise from signals
  • DiffMan - solving differential equations on manifolds
  • Dimensional Analysis -
  • DIPimage - scientific image processing
  • Direct - Laplace transform inversion via the direct integration method
  • DirectSD - analysis and design of computer controlled systems with process-oriented models
  • DMsuite - differentiation matrix suite
  • DMTTEQ - design and test time domain equalizer design methods
  • DrawFilt - drawing digital and analog filters
  • DSFWAV - spline interpolation with Dean wave solutions
  • DWT - discrete wavelet transforms
  • EasyKrig
  • Econometrics
  • EigTool - graphical tool for nonsymmetric eigenproblems
  • EMSC - separating light scattering and absorbance by extended multiplicative signal correction
  • Engineering Vibration
  • FastICA - fixed-point algorithm for ICA and projection pursuit
  • FDC - flight dynamics and control
  • FDtools - fractional delay filter design
  • FlexICA - for independent components analysis
  • FMBPC - fuzzy model-based predictive control
  • ForWaRD - Fourier-wavelet regularized deconvolution
  • FracLab - fractal analysis for signal processing
  • FSBOX - stepwise forward and backward selection of features using linear regression
  • GABLE - geometric algebra tutorial
  • GAOT - genetic algorithm optimization
  • Garch - estimating and diagnosing heteroskedasticity in time series models
  • GCE Data - managing, analyzing and displaying data and metadata stored using the GCE data structure specification
  • GCSV - growing cell structure visualization
  • GEMANOVA - fitting multilinear ANOVA models
  • Genetic Algorithm
  • Geodetic - geodetic calculations
  • GHSOM - growing hierarchical self-organizing map
  • glmlab - general linear models
  • GPIB - wrapper for GPIB library from National Instrument
  • GTM - generative topographic mapping, a model for density modeling and data visualization
  • GVF - gradient vector flow for finding 3-D object boundaries
  • HFRadarmap - converts HF radar data from radial current vectors to total vectors
  • HFRC - importing, processing and manipulating HF radar data
  • Hilbert - Hilbert transform by the rational eigenfunction expansion method
  • HMM - hidden Markov models
  • HMMBOX - for hidden Markov modeling using maximum likelihood EM
  • HUTear - auditory modeling
  • ICALAB - signal and image processing using ICA and higher order statistics
  • Imputation - analysis of incomplete datasets
  • IPEM - perception based musical analysis


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-24 13:01 | 显示全部楼层
JMatLink - Matlab Java classes
Kalman - Bayesian Kalman filter
Kalman Filter - filtering, smoothing and parameter estimation (using EM) for linear dynamical systems
KALMTOOL - state estimation of nonlinear systems
Kautz - Kautz filter design
LDestimate - estimation of scaling exponents
LDPC - low density parity check codes
LISQ - wavelet lifting scheme on quincunx grids
LKER - Laguerre kernel estimation tool
LMAM-OLMAM - Levenberg Marquardt with Adaptive Momentum algorithm for training feedforward neural networks
Low-Field NMR - for exponential fitting, phase correction of quadrature data and slicing
LPSVM - Newton method for LP support vector machine for machine learning problems
LSDPTOOL - robust control system design using the loop shaping design procedure
LSVM - Lagrangian support vector machine for machine learning problems
Lyngby - functional neuroimaging
MARBOX - for multivariate autogressive modeling and cross-spectral estimation
MatArray - analysis of microarray data
Matrix Computation - constructing test matrices, computing matrix factorizations, visualizing matrices, and direct search optimization
[url=http://ewre-www.cv.ic.ac.uk/software/toolkit.htm]MCAT[/url] - Monte Carlo analysis
MDP - Markov decision processes
MESHPART - graph and mesh partioning methods
MILES - maximum likelihood fitting using ordinary least squares algorithms
MIMO - multidimensional code synthesis
Missing - functions for handling missing data values
M_Map - geographic mapping tools
MODCONS - multi-objective control system design
MOEA - multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
MS - estimation of multiscaling exponents
Multiblock - analysis and regression on several data blocks simultaneously
Multiscale Shape Analysis
Music Analysis - feature extraction from raw audio signals for content-based music retrieval
MWM - multifractal wavelet model
Netlab - neural network algorithms
NiDAQ - data acquisition using the NiDAQ library
NEDM - nonlinear economic dynamic models
NMM - numerical methods in Matlab text
NNCTRL - design and simulation of control systems based on neural networks
NNSYSID - neural net based identification of nonlinear dynamic systems
NSVM - newton support vector machine for solving machine learning problems
NURBS - non-uniform rational B-splines
N-way - analysis of multiway data with multilinear models
OpenFEM - finite element development
PCNN - pulse coupled neural networks
Peruna - signal processing and analysis
PhiVis - probabilistic hierarchical interactive visualization, i.e. functions for visual analysis of multivariate continuous data
Planar Manipulator - simulation of n-DOF planar manipulators
PRTools - pattern recognition
psignifit - testing hyptheses about psychometric functions
PSVM - proximal support vector machine for solving machine learning problems
Psychophysics - vision research
PyrTools - multi-scale image processing
RBF - radial basis function neural networks
RBN - simulation of synchronous and asynchronous random boolean networks
ReBEL - sigma-point Kalman filters
Regression - basic multivariate data analysis and regression
Regularization Tools
Regularization Tools XP
Restore Tools
Robot - robotics functions, e.g. kinematics, dynamics and trajectory generation
Robust Calibration - robust calibration in stats
[url=http://ewre-www.cv.ic.ac.uk/software/toolkit.htm]RRMT[/url] - rainfall-runoff modelling
SAM - structure and motion
Schwarz-Christoffel - computation of conformal maps to polygonally bounded regions
SDH - smoothed data histogram
SeaGrid - orthogonal grid maker
SEA-MAT - oceanographic analysis
SLS - sparse least squares
SolvOpt - solver for local optimization problems
SOM - self-organizing map
SOSTOOLS - solving sums of squares (SOS) optimization problems
Spatial and Geometric Analysis
Spatial Regression
Spatial Statistics
Spectral Methods
SPM - statistical parametric mapping
SSVM - smooth support vector machine for solving machine learning problems
STATBAG - for linear regression, feature selection, generation of data, and significance testing
StatBox - statistical routines
Statistical Pattern Recognition - pattern recognition methods
Stixbox - statistics
SVM - implements support vector machines
SVM Classifier
Symbolic Robot Dynamics
TEMPLAR - wavelet-based template learning and pattern classification
TextClust - model-based document clustering
TextureSynth - analyzing and synthesizing visual textures
TfMin - continous 3-D minimum time orbit transfer around Earth
Time-Frequency - analyzing non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributions
Tree-Ring - tasks in tree-ring analysis
TSA - uni- and multivariate, stationary and non-stationary time series analysis
TSTOOL - nonlinear time series analysis
T_Tide - harmonic analysis of tides
UTVtools - computing and modifying rank-revealing URV and UTV decompositions
Uvi_Wave - wavelet analysis
varimax - orthogonal rotation of EOFs
VBHMM - variation Bayesian hidden Markov models
VBMFA - variational Bayesian mixtures of factor analyzers
VMT - VRML Molecule Toolbox, for animating results from molecular dynamics experiments
VRMLplot - generates interactive VRML 2.0 graphs and animations
VSVtools - computing and modifying symmetric rank-revealing decompositions
WAFO - wave analysis for fatique and oceanography
WarpTB - frequency-warped signal processing
WAVEKIT - wavelet analysis
WaveLab - wavelet analysis
Weeks - Laplace transform inversion via the Weeks method
WetCDF - NetCDF interface
WHMT - wavelet-domain hidden Markov tree models
WInHD - Wavelet-based inverse halftoning via deconvolution
WSCT - weighted sequences clustering toolkit
XMLTree - XML parser
YAADA - analyze single particle mass spectrum data
ZMAP - quantitative seismicity analysis




 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-24 20:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-24 23:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-26 23:49 | 显示全部楼层
真够力, 这麽多资料连接! 多谢楼主主任的分享资讯:handshake
个人水平有限, 许多不太清楚是什麽东东:@L
但还是有个小建议, 希望知道应用内容的稍加整理/注解下, 或许分成几个topic会更好:@)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-27 11:07 | 显示全部楼层
回复 5 # ChaChing 的帖子

发表于 2010-12-27 11:29 | 显示全部楼层
回复 6 # secondye 的帖子

我的重点在分类不是翻译, 但翻成中文也不错


可能是老花了, 不分类看起来有点花! :)  发表于 2010-12-27 20:41
Good Idea  发表于 2010-12-27 14:08
发表于 2015-4-23 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-5-2 18:58 | 显示全部楼层
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