转子动力学的一个工具箱。详细介绍如下:Author: Izhak Bucher
Summary: Finite element modeling of rotating machines and rotors.
Description: RotFE is a suite of programs that allows one to model rotating shafts mounted on bearings and with disks and point masses.
The programs were developed as a simple aid for research and Teaching (In: Imperial College London and Technion-Israel).
The program contains:
1) Rotfe ? A bending vibration modeling program: Uses Timoshenko beam elements and includes gyroscopic effects (due to rotation)
Also: Allows to model (i) anisotropic bearings (ii) misalignment (ii) rigid disks (damping)
- this program uses a standard TEXT input file with geometry and material constants + boundary conditions
2) modeplot2 - Graphical user interface to visualize the response
- computes critical speeds
- computes modeshapes, forward/backward whirling
3) Campbell ? a program to compute the 'campbell diagram': visualize the effect of rotating speed on the natural frequencies
4) Rot2ss ? Create state-space model
5) More ? (ask, this is a not very document research toy)
a) Load the package and unpack leaving the directory tree as is
b) Go to upmost directory and type >> rotfeini
This would add all the necessary directories to Matlab path
c) Run >> demo_rotfe
d) Read the DOC files in the DOC subdirectory
e) Email with questions/compliants etc 建议大家可以去matlab的主页看一下,检索作者名可以找到这个tool
[ 本帖最后由 无水1324 于 2006-11-17 13:11 编辑 ]
以免后来者走弯路! 确实是个好东西,建模和计算临界转速比较方便,但在计算响应方面还是有点问题。另外,它只是一个演示软件,数据不能输出。如果有兴趣的话,可以对其中的部分文件进行完善,使其能进行数据输出和进一步的处理。 谢谢,下学期正好学 怎么看检索不到啊 貌似检索不到,只找到rot_demo A collection of files that demonstrates building a rotor model as a MATLAB structure & plotting it.
... 好不容易找到了,好好研究下
貌似楼上的网址不是那个转子动力学工具箱 原帖由 zhoujunbo 于 2010-1-15 15:59 发表
喔! 这个个人的确不怎确定! 毕竟个人并非此专业也未使用过!
那只是我使用rot_demo及作者到google及官网搜寻, 感觉有可能的结果! 只希望对需要者有帮助
rot_demo - by Izhak Bucher
A collection of files that demonstrates building a rotor model as a MATLAB structure & plotting it.
[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2010-1-15 18:46 编辑 ] 这个程序好像主要用来画三维图的 thanks for your sharing 有没有中文的介绍阿 这个确实不错。赞一个,非常感谢无水师兄的热心。